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Comment Re:Um, yeah, don't care. (Score 2) 223

Sometime last century we were trained to believe that TV is essential. If the entire broadcast/cable TV system collapsed with nothing to take its place (which I think is unlikely) at very least, we'd find out that TV really isn't essential after all.

The TV system *is* being replaced, albeit slowly with something else: the internet. There was a time when all TV was used for was news and weather. Most people don't sit down in front of the TV for news these days (and no, opinion is not news). They get their news from the internet. People get entertainment from TV these days.

And, don't look now, but we've already been trained to believe the internet is a necessity in our lives.

Comment Re:What's the big deal (Score 3, Interesting) 223

So if you watch more than 1 hour of it every single night then it could work out cheaper to subscribe.

Does HBO even have an hour of watchable programming every night? Sure, there are certain nights of the week that there's a good program on, but I would only be watching maybe two shows that HBO produces, meaning 2 hours a week.

Comment Re:Innovation? (Score 1) 420

... even though the thing that keeps software still coming out for it today is a full linux environment.

I still have a Nokia N800 that I occasionally use. I also bought a BenQ S6 on closeout not that long ago. They both have about the same form factor, run full Linux, can take SD cards, similar battery time, etc., but the BenQ has an atom processor in it. I pick that machine up way more than the N800, because as old as it is (truthfully, it came out after the N800), it's WAY easier to find applications for it - still running a 2.6.22 kernel, no less. It's become a total hassle to find updated programs for the N800, whereas it's not so much of a problem with the BenQ.

I honestly wouldn't mind updating the BenQ to some more modern distribution, but I still get plenty of use out of the older, Redhat-based distribution.

Comment Re:Go ahead (Score 1) 156

Actually, Synergy doesn't mean that at all. That being said, they did in fact use the word correctly.

The replies so far are kind of making my point: The word means whatever the person using it wants it to mean, whether it's a standard dictionary definition (not really helpful - anyone can grab a dictionary for a snap response) or their own misguided interpretation.

That said, I don't believe the word "synergy" and Salesforce's actions (the many, MANY acquisitions they've gone through being an example) match up.

Comment Re:Go ahead (Score 3, Informative) 156

Whenever a company uses the word "synergy" it make me believe they are using marketing hype and really don't have a clue if what they are going to try is the right thing or not.

Just once, I'd love to hear someone ask "What exactly do you mean by 'synergy?'" during one of these earnings calls, then listen to the hilarious, stumbling response. The word's been overused so much that it's lost its meaning.

Comment Re:Teach them *about* Unix, Cobol, Oracle and SAP (Score 1) 121

Maybe a migration from Oracle to SAP and back, depending on the management regime.

Something to throw out there.

That seems a bit much for a 40 minute session, no?

A modern software equivalent to hardware teardown might be to install/configure beyond basics some server software and could probably go a bit further to pique career fair attendees' interest, given the time limit.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 1233

The author's not a muslim, and even if he had been, his treatment was asinine.


I agree wholeheartedly, his treatment was horrible.

I can't help but think there's a lot more to the story though that he's probably not even aware of.

A lot of different agencies/people were involved in trying to stop him from something. What that was, who knows? Even if any of those agencies had no concept of a budget, that's still a lot of individual people and time thrown at a suspected problem. Someone went so far as to search his apartment while he was away. For what?

It'd be nice if all these agencies had to be accountable for their actions, documenting everything they did along the way. But they're not, and until they are, stuff like this is going to continue.

Comment Re:1 reason for 0 (Score 1) 266

I disagree - I've been using a Surface Pro since launch, and I love it. It has replaced my desktop computer and my Apple laptop that I had kept for reasons I've completely forgotten now. It may not be for you, but for my needs (mobile IT consultant for medium-sized businesses), it's perfect. Windows on a tablet DOES work, most assuredly. (Note, I don't mean RT, since that's mostly a reply to iOS anyway and not a target for desktop replacement)

As an IT consultant, I'm willing to bet that you also cart around a case/keyboard. That's really no different than a netbook.

With a keyboard, it really doesn't matter what the OS is. They all function admirably enough to get work done. But if you're relying solely on the on-screen keyboard, you're probably not nearly as productive as you think you are.

Comment Re:Pot smokers and Hackers aren't mutually exclusi (Score 1) 117

Can you point me to an example of a person self-diagnosed with Asperger's? Why would anyone want to claim they are on the autism spectrum when they are not on it?

Try hanging out in some of the language-learning forums sometime. Many, many self-diagnosed Asperger's people hand out in them.

For some reason, they think that appearing to have Asperger's gives them an edge in how others view their intelligence and ease in learning foreign languages.

"Ooh! Hey look! I'm just like Daniel Tammet. I must have Asperger's."

Comment Re:$30 MILLION WILL ONLY COVER THE FIRST 31,000 (Score 1) 393

So, when you buy a computer, you don't buy software?


They buy it for the ability to run software they need. Right now, Androids still don't have the software they need. It's as simple as that.

Has the common core standard even been finalized yet? According to one of the links in TFS it hasn't. I suppose it could be by 2014, but knowing the bureaucracy involved in both the standard itself and the LAUSD, I have my doubts.

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