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Comment Re:Discouraging underage use? (Score 1) 526

Just like alcohol, different amounts/types affect people in different ways. I can drink one beer then go drive myself home with no impairment. If my wife drinks 1/4 of a beer, she'll fall asleep within 10 minutes.

One of my best friends was a frequent smoker during college. He said it actually made his driving better because he felt like he was more careful. Granted he's a shitty driver to begin with, so his statement may be true. However I've been around enough "high" people to know their quick decision making skills are definitely impaired and I would not want them driving me home. I think they are less dangerous than a drunk guy on the road.. but that's not legal.

Comment Re:As much as I like Bill Gates (Score 1) 481

Just thinking, wouldn't a gamma ray burst in this direction pretty much wipe out the entire solar system and beyond?

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see the day when spending a couple days in space is an affordable vacation. We need to spend more money on R&D for new technology. Maybe a profitable space company will do that.

Comment 1 result (Score 1) 213

If I use my full name, the top result on google is actually me and it's an information site that shows me linked to my mother and sister and the town I live in (but not current address). Paying would probably reveal that info.

If I shorten my first name (Josh) and don't use middle, none of the results are me.

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