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Comment Re:new lessons to teach kids in school (Score 1) 213

The advantage of the government holding this power though, is you can vote for someone else. Unfortunately, in the US there aren't enough options and elections are few and far between. Also the media is largely crappy and invested in the current political situation.

Well, therein lies the problem. We can either vote for the scum in office now, or we can vote for whichever totally batshit crazy candidate the Repugs will throw out there this time around.

Comment Re:I Applaud This (Score 1) 213

People in the government who leak unauthorized information are people who have willfully disobeyed rules and procedures and display their own sense of self importance. This is not something to be encouraged, but something that must be prosecuted and punished because all the latest news of leakers has given the sense that this is somehow ok.

I think we must make them pay and pay hard.

So, if you uncovered classified documents proving Obama and Boehner were in cahoots running an underground pedophile ring staged out of the Lincoln Bedroom, you would just keep quiet?

Comment Re:Why isn't this done more often? (Score 3, Insightful) 143

It seems like there are dozens of these type of cases going on constantly. Corporate litigation is rife with abuse right now... this ought to be going on every day. I guess a lot of the integrity has been bought or bribed out of the system...

And yet, when Congress or whichever President discusses "tort reform" they mean making it harder for us actual human beings to sue when we are injured.

Comment Re:This is how you signal ICBM capability (Score 1) 153

Those living in glass houses should not cast stones... (Someone from USA accusing others of religious zealotry?!)

Not everyone in the US is a religious zealot. It's just that the zealots are well-funded, loud, annoying, and all over the airwaves.

Besides, it's the religious zealots who insist on supporting Israel in *absolutely everything* they do, even if it insane or completely against our interests. This is all because their bizarre interpretation of Revelations and various Old Testament prophets.

Comment Re:Well who needs science.... (Score 1) 473

Who needs science when we have your unedchumicated opinion that ya just spew out. Lets just all ignore the sun's effect on heating and lighting the planet when we have your computer models that can't predict the past, present, future, or weather next week. Thanks for clearing it all up for us.

Thanks for intentionally misunderstanding the difference between weather and climate, dipshit. I guess you can ignore the predictions about when the tide will come in and out too since we can't predict accurately the timing, size and location of each and every wave that will crash on the shore.

Comment Re:Child of the 80s (Score 2) 473

Not quite. The "press" learned that ice-ages were periodical from the discovery in the late 70s, and then started publishing crap like "Oh noes! We're heading for an ice-age!", despite being unequivocally denied by everyone in the field. So what we have today it people like you continuing the myth that it was valid information back then. It wasn't, so stop it!

Ozone is a different matter, it's is a real problem, and the govts lead by Thatcher did something about the cause. We now have to wait several decades for the damage to be repaired. Go and ask someone down-under about their massive hole and skin-cancer problem.

So, you mean Newsweek and Time aren't reputable, peer-reviewed scientific journals??? Say it isn't so!

Comment Re:Child of the 80s (Score 2, Informative) 473

rather that the hole in the ozone layer and other environmental disasters would cause something I didn't pay attention to


BTW, the reason things like the ozone layer and acid rain (which is one you apparently forgot) aren't so worrisome now is that we actually *did* something about them. Funny how seeing a problem, determining the correct solution, and then implementing the solution tends to actually produce positive results. It's certainly a lot better than sticking our heads in the sand or plugging our ears shouting "LA! LA! LA! I can't hear you!"

Comment Re:Jurisdiction (Score 1) 340

Hope you're also fine with a country like China outlawing gross obesity next and starts asking for extradition of obese US citizens.

Sounds fine to me. We need to get those fat fucks out of here. When they came for the obese, I said nothing, 'cause I hate those fat fuckers. They never came for me 'cause they had too much trouble getting those fat fucks in the cattle cars.

Comment Re:Some american tell me (Score 4, Interesting) 256

why is it that always republicans are behind the gravest, dastardliest shit, and they are behind less dastardly shit with a democrat close to their aisle ?

a while ago, i heard that mccain and 30 other republican senators opposed a bill which would prevent companies from putting clauses into their contracts that would prevent female employees from suing the company if they were raped in company's employ overseas by company employees. that included john mccain, the presidential candidate. the justification was 'we think it is wrong to tell businesses how to do business'. so, its ok if a company legislates rape in its overseas operations by putting a clause in its contracts ?

what the fuck is wrong with republicans ?

Simple. They like gang rape. They are opposed to abortions.

You work it out.

Comment Re:They cannot possibly get it right (Score 1) 264

Read his comment fully before you retort - you look like an idiot when you get upset at the first sentence, get pissed, and reply without ever reading the second.

Read some of his other comments in this article. What I replied was consistent with his overall attitude, even if he temporarily had enough sense to add a few qualifiers to this one.

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