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Comment Re:He's also an interesting candidate for this (Score 1) 395

There s debate as to whether a Free Market can ever truly exist at all. To fulfill the definition, in a Economics sense, you need things like instantaneous information spread all across the market. In addition if you look at the NYSE, often touted as approaching an dealized free market, you will find it covered by three layers of regulation; the exchange regulations and by laws, the NY state regulations, and the SEC. So it seems you can't even get close to a free market with out regulation and government intervention.

Comment Re:Things that make you go hmmm (Score 0) 203

Additionally, according to experts (Synanon) heroin is less addictive than tobbacco. So why demonize it?

I do agree that most drug dealers should be incarcerated...but for selling fraudulent merchandise. (I'm informed by the press that most black market drugs are mixed with various harmful substances other than the drug. And this time I suspect that they are telling the truth. For reasons suggested by Thoreau's "A Trout in Milk".)

Comment Re:They did this with Occupy Wall Street (Score 2) 203

There may, indeed, have been some people who were sufficiently scared by 9/11 to think that the change in laws was desireable, but I've never met one. There certainly weren't enough to get the laws changed in less than a month. But certain people in power saw an opportunity and used it, and it MUCH harder to get a law repealed.

I don't think the country, as in most of the people living there, was ever in favor of the draconian and unconstitutional changes in the law. That doesn't much matter when both major parties are in favor of increasing the centralization of power (no matter what they what they *do*, and remember they are always willing to lie to you).

Comment Re:queue the.. (Score 1) 250

Actually, MSWindNT wasn't that stable, but I've heard that the recent releases actually are pretty stable. I'll never be able to test though, since I won't agree to the EULA.

Also, I never experienced any real problems even with an unmodified MSWind95. The problems started when you installed additional software or hardware. (Yes, the 49.7 days bug existed, but it doesn't exist in the final version of MSWind95. I've got a machine that's running that, and has been up for years. It doesn't get much use, but there are a couple of abandoned programs that I can't export data from.)

Comment Re:This is Boeing Tech Support (Score 1) 250

"Thank you for calling Boeing tech support. Did you most of your questions can be answered online in our FAQ section? Simply go to If this is an ground problem press 1, if it is a maintenance question please press 2, if this is about the galley hotbox recall press 3, for in-flight problems press 4"

"You have selected in-flight problem. For engine fires press 1, for structural failure please press 2, for fuel system faults please check 3, for all other in-flight challenges please press 4."

"You have selected other. Your call is very important to us you will be transferred to the next available customer care representative. Did you most of your questions can be answered online in our FAQ section? Simply go to Due to unusually high call volumes you expected hold time is 15 minutes. Please hold..."

Comment Re:Oh come on. (Score 2) 250

It doesn't matter what country programmers come from, in my experience too many programmers have no clue about reality outside of their cube. They are building software for things they do not understand. I am going to rant about this in another thread so I will leave it at that for now.

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