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Comment Re:No Carriers (Score 1) 149

I don't disagree that is what they should have done.

But I suppose they have to allow for some sites that don't support ssl/tls.
It seems very ham-handed, and easily detectable.

Still, Golden Frog should have Named and Shamed, instead of protecting the guilty.

I've run into hotels that wouldn't allow smtps or secure imaps connections over their wifi.
I checked out, and filled out the complaint form, and mailed to corporate headquarters. (I was pissed).
I've never stepped foot in that chain since.

Comment Re:No Carriers (Score 2) 149

Seems to me its more of a denial than an attack.

They want you to only connect outgoing SMTPS connections on 465. Golden Frog never even tested that, even after showing in a footnote that this was "possible" (their wording, I suspect they didn't want to admit it is the preferred way). Tempest Teapot.

Comment Re:No Carriers (Score 1) 149

This is a case of the client side trying to connect on port 25 then switch to SSL.

On the foot note of Page 8, they acknowledge that the proper way, and the way most modern clients do this, is to connect
to on port 465 with SMTPS, rather than on port 25, and then switch.

Golden Frog presented no evidence that they tried this same provider with a properly configured mail client.
So while it sounds all nasty, it may just be the carrier enforcing a better security method than connecting insecurely
and then changing mid-stream. Saves a lot of unnecessary double negotiations.

Comment Re:Hoax (Score 1) 986

How do you know the engine works, if you aren't allowed to open the hood.

When I open my hood, there is nothing there to assure me its "working", other than a rotating fan, some noise, some heat and a big chunk of metal.
How could I know its working? It could be all batteries and speakers and butane lighters inside that chunk of metal.

Does the car move, well, lets see....

Step 1 Open door, get in car.
Step 2 insert key
(You can see where this is going)....

Nobody I know disassembles a motor in their new truck to make sure the goddamed thing runs.
Even for new an novel things like a Tesla, nobody I know insists the dealer take it appart and show them every winding and bolt.

Ultimately it comes down to "Do you really Care"? If your are a motor head, you probably do, but mostly as a point of interest.
But on the other hand, if you view it just as transportation, and it came with some kind of warranty and performed acceptably on the test drive, then for transportation purposes who cares if its 40'000 well trained mice under the hood who eat gasoline and poop only tail pipe emissions, or electric motors or an internal combustion engine, or batteries and fans and speakers making throaty sounding roars.

Manufacturer said it would do THIS, and when I tried THIS it worked, or it didn't. And it worked for all the other people who bought it for many years, and none of them came around with stories about their mice escaping en mass and killing their cat.

I don't open my cell phones either. Not on purpose anyway.

Comment Re:Hoax (Score 1) 986

But you know THAT it works. It got you from A to B in time T.

You'd be amazed, (or probably you wouldn't) to know just how many people haven't a clue about what's under the hood or how it works.
Met this girl once who seriously thought that electricity originated at the breaker panel. She was 19 at the time.

Comment Re:Hoax (Score 1) 986

It certainly gives you insight into THAT it works.
Which seems to be all the "inventor" is willing to disclose.

Note: I have no opinion about how it works, or even if it works. All I'm pointing out is that these investigators seem to have reasonable credentials, and they are still hedging their statement, but standing behind their measurements.

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