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Comment Re:Debate? What debate? (Score 1) 297

Not really the same thing. Gravity's effects are well known but the causes are not understood, yet you don't see masses of people pretending to understand it demanding that obscene amounts of money be spent in an effort to counter the effects. Then again, if that were the case, we might have flying cars by now or easy access to outer space.

Comment Where there's money to be made... (Score 1) 283

There is a way around anybody's law, regulation, or treaty. IMHO, the only reason the FAA is getting involved in this is to make money in the same way that the only reason the FCC is weighing in on net-neutrality is because they have figured out a way to make money off of it, initially in regulatory fees (which will be passed on to the consumer) or in a few years some sort of national internet sales tax.

Comment It's all about the user experience (Score 1) 458

For those of us old enough to have witnessed the last 40 years of computer evolution, I can tell you with 100% certainty that it's all about the user experience and not about low cost or availability. Apple's successful products are a pleasure to use. Apple's failures weren't. IMHO, nothing that Microsoft makes is a pleasure to use. There was a time when the computer nerd in me enjoyed dinking around in the OS or the hardware but no longer. I have work that I need to get done and anything that impedes my progress or is tedious to use gets tossed out. Sadly, I can't do that for everything I need a computer for (are you listening, Intuit?). I have the same view of the entirety of the web. The whole thing is built like the city of Cairo or the postal system of Costa Rica (pre 2007).

Comment NYT better piss quick (Score -1) 458

Because their pants are on fire. "Most people support" Wrong. Most people they polled support, perhaps. I, for one, have never been polled by the NYT.
Now, there's an article on Gizmodo that attempts to explain where body fat goes when you lose weight. Apparently, the majority of it is expelled as CO2. If that's true, then all gyms and diet companies and the people who patronize them are contributing to greenhouse gasses and should be taxed accordingly.

Comment Income equality == myth (Score 1) 339

There will never ever be income equality so there's no point in even discussing it. But "regulation" is a problem and actually, it isn't so much the regulations as it is the millions of people whose only functions are to a) make more regulations, b) enforce the regulations, and c) hire more people to do both a and b. There are fewer and fewer people who actually make some tangible product let alone a quality one. Meanwhile, there is an ever increasing number of leaches...I mean people who feed off the people making things. Have you noticed how many fees you pay for services every month whether or not you use the service? Have you noticed how often they try to sneak something into that laundry list of fees that's totally bullsh*t? Have you noticed that you're less likely to own something and more likely to be renting it? Have you noticed how many things you have to pay for every month that you didn't have to 20 years ago? I'd be willing to bet that people like Edison or the Wright Brothers would never have been able to accomplish what they did if they had a regulatory system like we do now. And don't get me started on the trial bar who is the epitome of society's leeches. The world is rapidly becoming a place where the people making the most money do so by force of law and not by persuasion.

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