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Comment It's only an addiction if... (Score 4, Insightful) 307

I would say that it's only an addiction if it's actively interfering with your normal life. That is, your job, your education, your family, and your interpersonal relationships.

I don't use IM'ing and texting as much as I used to (in college) but I still use it. I don't think you can really call these addictions. These are just different forms of communication. I just think they might be overreacting a bit. For example, the comment from one of the students about being secluded... one would feel the same way if they were told not to talk to anyone.

Now if they were whining that they couldn't chat when they were hanging out with their friends... that might be a problem. I think chatting and texting augments social interaction. The problem is when it turns into a substitute. So I'm not saying that internet/text/chatting addiction doesn't exist -- we just have to be careful about defining what internet addiction really is.

Comment How is this new? (Score 4, Insightful) 148

Posting to an iframe and loading the iframe with dynamic content?

Haven't RTFA (slashdotted), but I used to do "AJAX" without "AJAX" in the early 2000's. You would post to a hidden iframe and the dynamic content that was loaded in the iframe was Javascript, which would manipulate the parent page. Either that or it was JSON would you would then access from the parent page.

Comment This is it. (Score 4, Interesting) 738

This is it, people! The end of the internet as we own it! After the ruling yesterday anyway... oh and also that combined with the fact that earlier this year we took a step towards corporate personhood, allowing corporations to participate in the political and legal process.

Say goodbye to the free and open internet. Say hello to the tiered-pricing model, and the metered-usage model. These companies don't care about the users. They care about the bottom-line and profits. The free market won't help here, because obviously they're going to strong-arm any competition.

Welcome to the Digital dark age. The US, the pioneer of the internet, will end up as a backwater province of the intarwebs.

Maybe I'm being cynical and alarmist. Oh well.

Comment Does it work for a new project (Score 1) 198

From what I see, it looks pretty good for working with an already existing project. It would help if they talked about starting a project from scratch using this IDE. Either way looks like something worth trying out. To all the people who say this looks like a terrible idea, I think that's rather subjective; It looks like a matter of taste (emacs vs. vi, eclipse vs. netbeans). I think it would help from a maintenance perspective (fixing bugs) or even if you're adding stuff to an existing codebase. I'd like to try this out anyway.

Submission + - LHC to shut down for a year to fix design flaws (bbc.co.uk) 1

An anonymous reader writes: The BBC says: "The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) must close at the end of 2011 for up to a year to address design issues, according to an LHC director.". Dr Steve Myers also told the BBC that this will delay the collider from reaching its full potential for another two years. The problem lies in the joints between the machine's magnets, which must be strengthened before high-energy collisions (at 7 trillion eV) at commence. I wonder what this means for the search for the higgs boson.

Submission + - CherryBlossom (vivin.net)

vivin writes: "What happens when haiku meets programming? CherryBlossom is a programming language based on haikus. That is, you use haikus to write program code! CherryBlossom combines the poet and programmer into a single entity that results in balance in the universe. With CherryBlossom you can write code that is not only functional, but aesthetically pleasing."

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