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Comment Re:How do you "take away" encryption? (Score 1) 203

I wasn't sure. So I clicked on "terminal" and typed "gcc" and it worked. To be fair, "gcc" seems to invoke this "clang" thing not gcc, but it compiles code and Hello, World! shows up. I tried python too, that also seems to work, if you're in to white spaces.

Not sure what this guy is talking about really. Even MS gives out free dev tools these days, and that is in spite of Bill Gates' famous objection to giving such tools out for free.

Comment Re:One connector to rule them all. (Score 2) 179

I don't think it's fair to call those people stupid, they have reasons. Personally I agree with you, I want a 17" luggable with a fully performant CPU that is just selectively gimped when I'm running on battery. I find 17" can comfortably used on domestic flights with a bit of cramping, but otherwise works great for where I am 99% of the time.

The majority of people i see on an airplane have their little 13" things they need to run for 5 hour flights, then 2 hour meetings and 5 hour flights home, and are just powerpointing. It seems like they have legitimate wants, and different lifestyles than I do.

The problem is not them, the problem is the push for one size fits all. It is more profitable, but it is not good for customers. So just don't buy that shit.

Comment Re:The cliches are right (Score 2) 583

You have to own your career.....no one else will do it for you.

Say that stronger. You have to own your own career. Anyone who wants to do it for you should not be trusted. Your manager will happily guide you to what the company needs, to what he needs, but not necessarily what is best or most lucrative for you. I've had several employers "guide" young college kids down the path of engineering management and schedule keeping, and in 5 years these people were unhireable and "stuck" at their employer, until such time as the ax man cometh. Never let this happen to you. If you care about technology, stay as obsessively technical as possible. If you want to be in technology management, be even MORE technical, but go to meetings and learn to powerpoint.

The management where schedules are kept and technology isn't important: this you want to avoid. While it may seem like there are infinite openings, that's largely because of a revolving door as the sediment is flushed from the system. The pay is bad, the future is bad, and your career is that self-same sediment. Do not be fooled by all the letters you can put after your name, they are not valued by most anyone.

Comment Re:So, the other side? (Score 1, Insightful) 422

Or, those affected throw their sabot into the gears when treated in a way they perceive is incorrect, and either no one gets anything, or a compromise is reached.

We talk a lot about who is or is not owed anything according to various ideologies, while disrespecting opposing ideologies. But in the end we're animals. When put in a corner we will bite. That's why severance exists in the first place, it absolutely is undeserved bribery, but it keeps the lawyers off you.

Comment Re:in all fairness, (Score 2) 220

The worst problem is when schools started demanding photo ID for SATS to "stop" this confusion, only to not realize that quite a few asian people have identical names too, particularly after they have been anglicized. How many Tommy Chen's have I known in my life? Well over a hundred. The only difference was SSN, which of course, isn't on most ID.

Comment Re:Republican Hypocrits (Score 2) 98

And a significant portion of the population is now an ex-prisoner or ex-felon. "In 2008, about one in 33 working-age adults was an ex-prisoner, and about one in 15 working-age adults was an ex-felon. Among working-age men in that same year, about one in 17 was an ex-prisoner and one in eight was an ex-felon." http://www.cepr.net/press-cent... [cepr.net]

I would expect that, but that's not how it's going down. We should all boycott things like TPP, if we're not allowed to know what is in them, then chances are we won't like it and should be saying no.

Comment Re:Not the Issue (Score 1) 164

"I personally don't care about your well being because you fucked up and I'm scared of you" mentality would be like saying, "Why should I pay taxes for public schools if I don't have kids?"

No, I'm happy to pay my taxes to put them in jail and pay for their life in jail. Once they get out my debt to them ends, I would rather they lived somewhere else. A better analogy is I'll pay for your kids to go to school, but once they graduate they're on their own.

And a significant portion of the population is now an ex-prisoner or ex-felon. "In 2008, about one in 33 working-age adults was an ex-prisoner, and about one in 15 working-age adults was an ex-felon. Among working-age men in that same year, about one in 17 was an ex-prisoner and one in eight was an ex-felon." http://www.cepr.net/press-cent... [cepr.net]

If your point is that perhaps we have too many laws, that some of our laws penalize people for dubious crimes, I agree. I would like to see some of those laws (i.e. marijuana) removed. That said, it's still the law in most places and if you can't or won't follow the law, you clearly don't have good impulse control and I find it hard to trust you. It's not hard to not smoke pot, it's easier still to not deal pot. Just don't do it, problem solved. Feel free to campaign to get the laws changed so you can, I've got your back. Until then don't get all whiney about how unfair it is that you get branded a criminal for breaking the law, that's the definition of the word.

Comment Re:Not the Issue (Score 2) 164

This sounds like the logic behind dismantling advanced/remedial classes. Let's throw everyone together and the good students can "uplift" the bad. So the good students get hurt and perform less well..

I guess you're right, I definitely feel once you fall off the wagon it's on you to get back on. Once you cross certain lines I'm personally not sure I care about your well being and simply want to minimize the chance you can hurt me again. I will grant you many people fall because they are in bad situations, were raised into crime and often don't even realize what they're doing is a crime. But that doesn't excuse anything, particularly repeat offenses.

Comment Re:North Pole (Score 1) 496

I think earth is an oblate spheroid, so it must be the geographic north pole, which would have the property of being "a triangle" and putting you back where you started. But what hurts my head is when we use terms like north/south/west we're referring to magnetic north (usually), and I'm not sure as you make the traversal he describes you actually end up back where you started. Also i'm not sure how to rule out the south pole (geographic) you could do this same exercise.

It can't be magnetic, the earth is somewhat and unequally distended around the magnetic poles such that you don't end up exactly at the starting point by taking the indicated path, you will end up every so slightly off.

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