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Comment Re:20,000 H1Bs for the country vs 320 million citi (Score 3, Informative) 288

Sure, but that includes the elderly and children and people who dont' work, and people who work in areas not eligible for H1Bs. There are, and this is a hotly debated number, perhaps 2.4M STEM related jobs (of which HP itself only employs a cross-section of) and of that under 10% are open. There are over 11 million STEM degreed americans out there who have given up on STEM, probably due to dropping salaries and incessant layoffs.

Anyway hopefully as HP lays off STEM job holders, the H1B count can be lowered by that number (some large fraction of 16K jobs). Of course that won't happen because salaries might go up.

Comment Re:Pretty obvious (Score 2) 166

In TFA, he surprisingly had some good criticisms of the actual device. Unfortunately all that made it to the summary was the bullshit reasons regarding people's misunderstanding and misuse of psychology, and/or his discomfort with not looking people in the eye. I see a future were we just get used to it, the same as we ignore people checking their phone already.

After we get past the nonsense, it seems the device itself has some design issues, though not all are issues i agree are issues (like maps using cellular data...I think that's the right way to do it unless the cell phone has wifi of course).

Comment Re:Protests were Illegal (and last Thursday) (Score 1) 142

Even in the US protests have some constraints. Not on private property, no disruption of over people, etc.

The right to protest is in our constitution, but it is a right whether a government supports it or not. It's simply that some governments punish protestors more vigorously than others. We all remember pepper spray cop, even here where protesting is "allowed".

Comment Re:They need to learn to let it go (Score 1) 301

Yep, governments and corporations will probably ruin this otherwise good idea by filling the cars with backdoors, privacy-invading nonsense, and proprietary software.

Me: "Car, take me to work."

Car: "Welcome to the Ford Fiendas, sponsored by Walmart. You may skip this destination and proceed to, work, in 5 minutes."

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