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Comment Re:Capitalist flight (Score 1) 1142

Bullshit. A reasonable level of taxation to fulfill the obligations of government is understandable, an unreasonable level of taxation to expand the role of government far, far, far, far beyond it's purpose is NOT understandable, particularly in a nation which expounds freedom as a way of life. How is it "patriotic" to starve our businesses of competitiveness and growth?

Private property IS one of those freedoms we enjoy, and the fruits of our labors ARE our private property.

For a crowd that is so pro-privacy and civil liberties I do not understand why the slashdot readers are so ready to accept a government which continues to expand faster than population growth + inflation. Private property IS a civil liberty and it IS patriotic to protect it.

I would die for this country, but I will be damned if I support the ever-growing gov't dependent class which continually sets the standard of freedom lower.

There should be zero corporate taxes. I would much rather see corporations retain/hire employees than pay the federal government protection money - let the people do that.

If you think manufacturing will ever move back to CA, you don't live in CA. China, India, South America, Russia, Africa, and Eastern Europe are all far cheaper than anti-business CA. There's a reason Apple manufacturers all those ipods in China, and it's not because CA is a wonderful state to live in with a worker OR corporate friendly tax code.

What kind of backwards fucking world do we live in that thinks a bigger government is the solution to all our problems? Did you people read 1984? Animal Farm? The Constitution of the USA? Any history between 1700-1900? The Federalist Papers?

Have you ever heard the phrase "Good enough for government work?" Is that the attitude you people want from the people managing the healthcare of you and your family? Do you really not see that government-controlled anything is the ULTIMATE MONOPOLY, because there is NO competition, NO desire for efficiency (it will cost jobs, waaaah), because there will be far too low qualifications for workers?

Christ, it's like asking everything in userland to run in ring 0 instead.

Comment Re:Well, Obama is nominating Sotomayor... (Score 2, Insightful) 456

1. If it saves money why does it cost more and necessitate raising taxes?

2. If you want to save money simply deny people access to medical care if they aren't willing to sign a financial liability waiver (this would be signed by your legal guardian at first and then yourself upon emancipation). This would essentially be a contract saying you're required to meet your financial obligations after receiving care, be it through your health insurance, in cash, a loan repayment, or wage garnishment.

3. If you must have socialized health care, deny health care to felons (until their probation is complete) and illegal immigrants. You shouldn't get a free ride courtesy of the tax payer if you can't be bothered to obey the law or aren't a citizen. (Don't like it? Leave the fucking country.)

Frankly, society (I mean tax payers) do not "owe" you free medical care and the medical industry isn't some kind of subservient slave class. It's as stupid as the UN's "right to housing" - who builds your houses? where is your house? how big is your house? who decides who gets the nicest house and where? If we're going to slide into communism, let's do it quick so that the rest of us who actually appreciate individual freedom, responsibility, and a powerful but limited in breadth federal government can get to work restoring the Constitution instead of these shenanigans where we are so willing to sacrifice liberty for tyranny, be it to Capital Hill or to The People.

Comment Re:no. (Score -1, Flamebait) 554

...No, in Communism, there is no private property and all property is publicly owned, and everyone is paid according to their need and not necessarily their ability. I'd say that's a bit more than just a political structure.

Socialism is a stepping stone towards Communism.


Why Is It So Difficult To Fire Bad Teachers? 1322

Ant writes with this depressing story about how public schools sometimes work: "This six-page Los Angeles Times article shares its investigation to find 'the process [of firing poor teachers] so arduous that many school principals don't even try (One-page version), except in the very worst cases. Jettisoning a teacher solely because he or she can't teach is rare ...'"
Role Playing (Games)

A Look At the Final Fantasy XIII Demo, Early Analysis 103

A demo for the PS3 version of Final Fantasy XIII was released in Japan this week, and people have had a chance to try it out and report back. In fact, video footage of the demo in its entirety was streamed and then posted on YouTube shortly after finding its way into customers' hands. Eurogamer got a chance to give the demo a test-drive, and they had this to say: "The characters are likeable — Lightning for her mysteriousness, the members of NORA for their banter and camaraderie — the setting is compelling, and the whole thing is as sumptuous visually as you'd expect of a next-generation Square-Enix title. The plot's the only thing that I couldn't get a definite feel for from the demo, beyond the basic set-up of an oppressive regime, a resistance fighting against it and a character with mysterious powers brought to aid them in a twist of fate. But forty minutes with Final Fantasy XIII have left me with nothing but anticipation for what else it has in store."
The Almighty Buck

Time Warner Broadband Cap Trial Rescheduled In Texas 353

jcrousedotcom writes "Time Warner cable apparently has heard that folks aren't too happy with their plan to meter their unlimited connections. From the first paragraph of the article: 'Time Warner Cable's proposed trials of consumption-based billing were originally slated to begin in several markets this summer, where customers would be a part of a tiered pricing scheme. Pricing would have started at 1 GB per month for $15, and go up to 100 GB per month for $75, and include a per-gigabyte overage fee. The public's reaction was less than favorable, and the trials in Texas have been rescheduled.'"

Comment Re:Still Sounds Guilty to Me (Score 1) 440

Because then you get labeled as a "right-wing fringe" Libertarian and no one will take you seriously, regardless of any rationality and logic in your arguments. They're the unfairly labeled internet trolls of the political world.

Personally, I find Libertarians to be a perfect blend of fiscal responsibility, personal liberty, and laissez-faire social values. Much less emphasis on the Federal government's one-size fits all approach to problems also appeals to me. After all, I like my Federal Gov't like I like my kernels: small, fast, and unnoticeable, none of which describes the Fed. under R&D's.

More socially open minded than Republicans, but less socialist than Democrats, and with a greater emphasis on personal liberty and fiscal responsibility than either, Libertarians are the silently ignored third option.

Comment Re:It seems ironic... (Score 2, Informative) 1147

The AC was a douchebag, but I have to call shenanigans as well...maybe you meant "circa-2001"? You did NOT have a laptop that did 1400x1050 in 1991. The first Mac PowerBooks's came out in '91, and they had tiny monochrome screens, while the IBM thinkpads had some of the early 10" TFT LCDs. Most computers still used VGA, and were doing what...320x240 or 640x480 at the time?

Comment Re:1.6M Processors, but only 1.6 TB memory? (Score 1) 248

Hell, I'd like to know how 1.6 million processors can fit in just 96 racks. That's more than 16 thousand processors per rack. Either these aren't standard microprocessors or someone got their numbers a couple of orders of magnitude off.

Even if you could get 16000 modern server processors into a rack, the power density alone would probably cause it to burst into flames (>1.6 MW)!

Data Storage

Submission + - Seagate 1TB Drives Failing at Alarming Rate

NormalVisual writes: Owners of Seagate 1TB drives have been experiencing serious issues of late — many recent 7200.11 Barracuda SATA drives have a problem with the version SD15 firmware that often results in the drive failing on power-up after working perfectly fine for a time. While the data on the drive appears to be safe, the drive is completely bricked, resulting in the inability to flash it to any further firmware revisions without a bit of hardware hacking. The problem is making for an interesting discussion on Seagate's community forums, particularly since Seagate still refuses to acknowledge the issue and is tightly censoring the "official" discussion on the forums, so many 7200.11 owners are having to discuss the issue outside of Seagate's control. Tom's Hardware has also picked up the increasingly-vocal story. So, if you've got one of the big Barracudas, it's probably a good idea to to stay on top of those backups.

Comment Re:Oh hey, look, in the distance, that ship... (Score 1, Insightful) 437

I'm sure I'll just get marked as troll/flamebait/whatever for this, but I have the karma to burn.

Why was it OK for Obama to sidestep the real, legal, and very Constitutional issue of his place of birth? All he had to do to quell the dissenters was release a single piece of paper and yet he provided what is unarguably a falsified document. Is this not a lie worthy of our attention? Shouldn't we require our government officials to be transparent in this regard, especially someone who's going to be the "Leader of the Free World"? The charges aren't anywhere near as far fetched or nutty as the truthers or the NASA-haters, but the sheer popularity of the man demands they be dismissed. Instead, people dismiss it out of hand not because Obama is beyond reproach, but because people permit him to be.

The fact of the matter is, we live in a place and time in the world where society picks and chooses which laws our leaders can and can't be held accountable for. Very few people care about the "rule of law" in any absolute terms and both political parties actively revoke and limit our Constitutional rights, disturbingly often with the support of private citizens. We gleefully revoke rights of our neighbors in the name of safety and security. This generation of Americans is a spiteful, self-loathing, hateful group, asking not what can they do for their country but demanding what their country can do for them.

Comment Re:I'm not really seeing the similarity (Score 2, Insightful) 227

Not to you, slashdotter, who sees these logos all the time. To the casually stroller-by, who sees tech logos once per fortnight, they will easily be confused. What is red, green, and blue and deals with computers? If today it is AVG / Google / MS and tomorrow it is something else then there _will_ be confusion and brand dilution.

The letter g might be confused with the letter g? Say it aint so!


Submission + - Linux Users Can't Sell On eBay ( 2

bobintetley writes: Many Linux/Firefox users are reporting problems uploading images to eBay. Having tested this myself, it is indeed completely broken. Why eBay would break standard HTTP uploads by using IE specific javascript to "check the file exists" boggles the mind. This problem has been reported to eBay since late October, but so far with no resolution. eBay have since stated that only IE is supported. I guess when you have no real competition you can pull stunts like this.

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