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Comment Re:Erh... what would it accomplish? (Score 2) 341

Let's clarify something technical here.

Thermonuclear refers to the use of fusion to gain more energy. It can be used for two things:

a) To make a really humongous bomb. High-yield more than 5MT.
b) To boost a pure fission bomb to get the same amount of energy in a smaller package.

Almost all modern nuclear weapons are of the b) sort. They are all thermonuclear but they are small. A pure fission device (Little boy, for instance) is physically large for the boom you get.

That said, most of the weapons do not use thermonuclear energy as a main source. The thermonuclear reaction produces copious neutron which boosts the fission part. The weapon is still primary a boosted fission device.

Type (a) high-yield weapons are scarce things. The US, for one, does not have any, the Russians not many and they have a specific bunker-busting role. They are also physically large devices and hard to steal.

(b) type weapons are much more common. This is the threat, but they are still thermonuclear.

Comment Re: it always amazes me (Score 2) 341

Uhm, the US is a BIG country. The Iranians are probably capable of building maybe a 150-200kt device, if that. An EMP pulse would take out the power in mid-sized city for a few weeks at most. It would also cause major damage on the ground.

90% of the US population would not die from starvation. Maybe 0.1% would die from the blast itself.

Even if they had a 50's style high-yield multi-megaton thermonuclear device they could not make 90% of the US population starve.

Even the USSR at its high point would not have been able to kill 90% of the US population with massive missile strike.

Of course, after the Iranians made their point and killed 0.1% of US citizens they would face the music.

Comment There's not one answer (Score 1) 496

My dentist once told me that I obviously have viking blood. (He was right; I'm essentially half Scot and half Russian.) I am also a diabetic. I'm not alone. Roughly a third of Americans at this point are either diabetic or on the road to diabetes. If I ate the kind of carbs this guy eats, I'd have to load up on hundreds of units of insulin, and I'd never lose a pound. That's not speculation, I've tried that sort of diet. (Was a vegetarian for years, and couldn't lose weight on a 1200 Calorie vegetarian diet. And I was ravenously hungry and depressed all the time.)

Instead, the diet that has worked for me (very successfully) has been cutting the carbs. Most of my calories come from meat. I eat 4 or more eggs and bacon for breakfast. I quickly learned, by following my blood sugar meter, that I simply could not tolerate the 200+ grams of carbs that the government recommends. Since making the decision to follow my blood sugar 100% and ignore studies that, at best, present an average of what worked for someone else, I've lost well over 100 lbs. while increasing my lean body mass. My trigclycerides, once over 1000, have plunged. My HDL is high, my LDL is low, and most importantly my last A1c (a measure of blood sugar over time) was normal for a non-diabetic at 4.9%.

I'm glad his diet worked for him. It wouldn't work for me. No doubt, my diet wouldn't work for him. And that's ok. The notion that there's one perfect diet for everyone is virtually idiotic. And, most importantly, it doesn't work. That's not to say that there aren't some useful general principles, some patterns that are more likely to work for you. But at the end of the day it's your health; take the time to figure out what will work for you.

Comment Re:PHP is fine (Score 1) 182

Suppose all guns came without safety catches. I now go and blame this technical oversight for the increase in people with blown-off heads.

You now claim that blaming the safety-catch-less badly designed guns for the casualties is asinine.

> It gets the job done quickly and easily,

So does a gun without a safety catch.

Comment Lotus Notes was like this too (Score 1) 119

I once had a small Notes web thing running for a bunch of people in Scandinavia. The thing crashed every time when someone from Iceland worked with it. Ruend out that the icelandic character is not in some middle european character set (this was before UTF-8) and wasted Notes every time. That was a total bastard of a problem to find.

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