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Comment Re:Metered access, here we come! (Score 1) 550

And exactly why is "metered access" bad? You talked a lot about it but nowhere explained why it is bad, you just seemed to have made an assumption that everybody will think it is bad.

It is pretty obvious from other sales of bandwidth that the actual solution will be a fixed price for up to a threshold which exceeds what most people use, and metering after that. I think that would be an excellent way to charge for internet access.

It would also put some pressure on bloated web sites and ads if people realized they may actually be paying more to download it all.

Comment Re:How do I buy a laptop without preloaded crap? (Score 1) 266

Assuming you want Windows (and not Apple or Linux or BSD or any of a bunch of other suggestions people will make)

From previous statements it sounds like buying the much more expensive "business model" will get this. You may have to do a bulk purchase of dozens of them.

Another suggestion was to buy a system at a Microsoft store. They do have an interest in making Windows not suck.

Comment Re:Browser Makers Should Get The Message (Score 1) 353

Because they want a reliable way to return to the previous page. If you use the new tab a lot there will be a huge number of history items you would have to back up over to go back to the original page.

I prefer opening the new tab in back, however. I probably want to keep reading the page I clicked.

I seem to remember earlier Android browser having two items on the pop-up, one for a foreground tab and another for a background tab. Either my memory is faulty or this was removed a few years ago.

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