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Comment Why grid-tied home solar is unsustainable (Score 1) 245

The theory behind grid-tied home solar systems is that you can give your surplus power to the utility company who will give you credit in return for times when you need more power than you are generating. In effect, you are using the utility company as your storage battery, so you don't have to buy and maintain your own. This only works as long as there are always enough customers paying for electricity rather than generating their own. Eventually it's no longer cost effective for the utility company to provide storage service for free. They make their money charging for electricity, but if enough people only need them to store it temporarily, they are going to have to start charging for that service.

Comment Re:NG/Coal kills. Nuclear might in an extreme case (Score 1) 216

And this:

the area around Chernobyl is uninhabitable. Before the accident, 120,000 people lived there. The Fukushima exclusion zone is currently a 30 km radius where all residents Were evacuated and is also a no-fly zone. The US Embassy subsequently advised Americans to keep a 80 km distance. Radiation induced cancers take decades to play out, and the claim that "no one died from Fukushima other than a few plant workers" is complete hogwash, as it's too soon to tell the longer term effects.

Comment Re:Not surprising... (Score 1) 80

The FBI and NSA knew it was shit years ago.

Just sayin...

So did I. I gave up in Firefox once they moved away from the "less is more" school of design, several years ago. Same reason I gave up on Netscape before that-- creeping featurism. What I want in a browser is lean and mean. REALLY mean. The more complicated a browser is, the bigger the risk of security flaws.

Comment This is not a bad thing... (Score 1) 457

It's probably good that we are regularly reminded that the world is full of assholes, and that walled gardens are not the sum total of reality. It may be that many people are assholes simply BECAUSE they are excluded from some of these gardens-- no doubt many of those within the gardens are assholes too, just of a different type. And if you can't figure how to deal with assholes without becoming one yourself, you deserve what you get...

Comment Re:SEARCHABILITY (Score 1) 249

It doesn't much matter, Google's UI skills really suck. The only reason the original Google search was a success is because they essentially didn't even have a UI, it was just a text entry box. When they try to add UI elements, it's all downhill. Microsoft's Ui often sucks too, but at least with Microsoft, I can at least usually tell what they're trying to do. With Google, I can't even tell what they were trying to do at all, it's pure WTF?

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