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Comment Re:Brain surgery (Score 2) 279

While you might be still living the wild 60s, the rest of the world moved on. We invented something called catalytic converter that at least since mid 80s made this a non-issue.

Catalytic converters need expensive Platinum to work, and they reduce performance by forcing the exhaust through their baffles. Why would a competitive car manufacturer install a device that simultaneously increased the price and decreased the performance of their product? It certainly wasn't through pure benevolence.


Kill Net Neutrality and You'll Kill Us, Say 800 US Startups (google.com) 309

A group of more than 800 startups has sent a letter to the FCC chairman Ajit Pai saying they are "deeply concerned" about his decision to kill net neutrality -- reversing the Title II classification of internet service providers. The group, which includes Y Combinator, Etsy, Foursquare, GitHub, Imgur, Nextdoor, and Warby Parker, added that the decision could end up shutting their businesses. They add, via an article on The Verge: "The success of America's startup ecosystem depends on more than improved broadband speeds. We also depend on an open Internet -- including enforceable net neutrality rules that ensure big cable companies can't discriminate against people like us. We're deeply concerned with your intention to undo the existing legal framework. Without net neutrality, the incumbents who provide access to the Internet would be able to pick winners or losers in the market. They could impede traffic from our services in order to favor their own services or established competitors. Or they could impose new tolls on us, inhibiting consumer choice. [...] Our companies should be able to compete with incumbents on the quality of our products and services, not our capacity to pay tolls to Internet access providers."

Comment Re:It's just a power grab (Score 1) 126

It might be. I've not looked into it so just throwing out a theory, but I would assume that most people don't bother putting the time and money into appeals that they're guaranteed to lose...

If there's also some sort of pre-review to further knock off ones that the appealer thinks might have a chance but the court doesn't, again the ratio pushes in favor of cases that get overturned.

Your theory is correct. There's a good discussion of the issue here.
From the link:

This would give an approximate breakdown of 84.7% of cases weren't even considered by the Supreme Court, 15.1% of cases were declined by the Supreme Court, 0.12% of cases were overturned, and 0.03% of cases were confirmed."

Comment Re:This is going to be interesting (Score 1) 430

Came here to to say this. When self-driving trucks start rolling out (har har) en masse, we're going to need to find new jobs for a LOT of people. A large percentage of the 1.3 million truck drivers will need to find new jobs or else. What they'll do, I just don't know.

Funny how the map of the most common job per state looks similar to the map of the 2016 presidential election results when you compare "Truck Driver" states and red states. I wonder if this will play out during Trump's presidency or his successor's and how they'll handle it..

Comment Loopholes (Score 1) 310

Talking about this law, my friend said that he'll just change the wording of his listing to the effect of, "I'm renting this apartment, except for the closet. I reserve the right to enter the apartment and sleep in the closet. Please note that I have never actually done this."

I don't know enough about the new law to know if this is a viable loophole, but I'm sure there are plenty of other good ideas.

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