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Comment Efficiency and Physics (Score 1) 656

Computer Science can be seen as having a theoretical and practical side. The theoretical side deals with defining how computers work, how to make them better, and why algorithms run the way they do and how to make them better. The practical side takes the theory and implements it; however, it still takes the abstract side to develop applications and make them do what you want efficiently.

You don't NEED math to write applications but without it, your applications will suck. Also, you won't be able to do anything much more advanced than a Helo, World application without memory and runtime issues. Also, go try to write a 3D Graphics engine without advanced math; I work on an OpenGL library and use matrix, vector, and physics maths every day. Not to mention the math I use to fine tune an application to run faster, use less memory, and logically fit parts together where they don't step on other running parts. You might never use some of the math you learn but you will use math and if you want to be taken seriously, learn it or go write websites in html.

Comment Re:Those who would trade a bit of freedom... (Score 3, Interesting) 140

That was my first thought; maybe the better thing to do is create more competition in the market instead of allowing Verizon and AT&T to fuck us even harder. Like someone else said; the consumer is going to pay for the spectrum in the long run anyway; why not lower the cost of it (or lease it as another suggested) and lower everyone's phone bills. The less money we have to spend for cell service the more that goes to other businesses (ie. taxes; which would probably make up that made-up $12 billion figure eventually).

Comment Re:Make leases non-permanent (Score 1) 140

I love this idea; the thought that something like EM spectrum can be bought seems ridiculous. I understand the need to limit its use since having everyone attempting to use the same chunk would make it useless for all but "selling" it is telling the purchasing company that they now don't EVER have to deal with competition because nobody else can ever use that chunk.

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