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Comment Re:NIMBY (Score 1, Interesting) 436

Here in the UK we enjoy almost uninterrupted mains power. No brownouts (a brownout perhaps every eight months which is usually due to maintenance, extreme weather or emergency works), no requirement for external generators nor for a UPS for your desktop PC.

I understand that the power supply in the US is patchy at best, with frequent brownouts. I think you guys really do need a stable source of power. Nuclear is a good way to supply this. Focusing on renewables won't begin to replace this, nor will it give an easily modulatable power supply that reacts to user demand. Sure they take a long time to build, and there's legislation preventing waste processing being done that would wring out more power from the same uranium. So you end up with large waste disposal sites where you wastefully allow spent rods to decay needlessly. That's assuming you still are building old-style reactors. Newer ones have much less waste, more power and frankly are less dangerous.

Gas Power? Coal Power? Great, Cheap to build but pollute like crazy. Not to mention coal burners actually more radioactive than nuclear power.

Solution lots of smallish pebble-bed nuclear reactors to do the heavy lifting, augmented with solar, with the odd gas & coal power stations taking up the slack.

Comment Re:But not to give them a chance to correct it fir (Score 1) 404

They still haven't fixed this:

In fact there's now exploits in the wild now, and frankly it was a stupid idea in the first place.

Also if the bad guys have access to a machine (yes, RDP counts) you lose.

I don't care how locked down you think your system is.

The only secure computer is one powered off and in a fire safe at the bottom of a mineshaft.

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