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Comment Re:ntp is the line in the sand (Score 2) 314

Not sure about that, but they are inventing a new way to run services. They will have a new program called daemonhostd which can host multiple services. All you have to do is recompile sendmail and apache as shared object libraries and daemonhostd will dynamically load and run them in the same process to save resources.

As a further refinement, they are also writing kdaemonhostd which is exactly the same but it all runs in kernel space to improve performance.

Comment Re:cram lots of people in a confined space (Score 1) 819

Bullshit. Why should I pay more for being taller? This isn't a choice, is it? What the airlines are doing is essentially discrimination.

Why should short people subsidise tall people? That's an alternate way of looking at it. If you move all the seats further apart, prices go up and short people are effectively paying for leg room they don't need.

Comment Re:Ummm.... (Score 1) 169

Let me guess: You have a large collection of "nerdy" t-shirts? Most of those are about as funny, insightful, and entertaining as XKCD. You know this already, as I'm sure when you're shopping on whatever website sells that stuff you like some and reject others. The difference between those and XKCD, of course, is that the t-shirt shop doesn't come with a personality for you to worship.

That's pretty insulting.

Comment It's not that difficult (Score 5, Interesting) 202

Anyone remember that guy who was moving Stonehenge size concrete blocks around his back yard and erecting them in place, single-handedly? To stand them upright he would fill the pit with loose sand and slope one side of the pit, then he kept dumping water in. The mud was soft enough to be compressed and ejected from the pit as the stone slowly sank into place.

If you counter-balance the blocks you can move them fairly easily with just a few people. Or put them on a sled and use logs to roll them. Or flood the basin using Nile flood water and float them into place.

It doesn't take super-geniuses or fancy technology, it just takes dedication and some manpower.

These dumb "How did the Egyptians do it?!?!?!" stories are highly annoying. They did it first and foremost by deciding they were going to do it, trying and failing several times, then perfecting their techniques. Same damn way we got to the moon. The hardest part is step 1.

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