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Comment Re:Fox News? (Score 1) 682

Obama could get IMPEACHED over this. This is turning into a Watergate level scandal.

How? Did the President order the IRS to destroy emails? Did the President order the IRS to investigate both conservative and liberal groups? Did the President have anything to do with what happened at the IRS?

Considering the previous administration explicitly told its staffers to use non-governmental email sources, in direct violation of several different laws, that it deleted emails after it was told to retain them for the investigation into the firing of 8 attorneys and a host of other related issues, including using the excuse that if an email had not been opened it wasn't considered read and therefore wasn't subject to retention and also fell under executive privilege, I fail to see how something not involving the President could lead to his impeachment when incidents directly involving a previous President didn't lead to impeachment.

Comment Re:The cloud (Score 1) 387

(Besides, where does this "blame the victim" attitude always come from? It's ridiculous.

You obviously missed the comments I made to the same effect back in April and had folks respond that yes, the victim is partially to blame no matter what.

Here, read the torturous and twisted excuses people make trying to justify why the victim is to blame, whether a hacking event such as this or having your house broken into.

Comment Just wait. . . (Score 3, Insightful) 248

until the Scientologists start asking to have all the web sites which outline their seedy, extortionist processes to be removed.

Sorry folks, you posted something on the web, it's available to everyone and this nonsense about removing web sites is completely anathema to the concept of the WWW.

Comment Re:Short black with one (Score 1) 192

Traditionally we use half&half (causing the rest of the world to ask for a translation; it's a thinner cream that's halfway between milk and whipping cream.) It's available in little ultrapasteurized single-servings as well as fresh.

But if keeping the dairy products refrigerated isn't convenient, there are powdered imitations that deserve the contempt you've expressed, and liquid imitations that are excuses for corn syrup and artificial flavors, and also non-dairy creamers for people who can't tolerate lactose or want something that's kosher to use at a meat meal.

My high school chemistry/physics teacher would boil water in a beaker over a bunsen burner to make his instant coffee with. The water was hard enough that the beaker had a sludge just from that.

Comment Re:yuck epresso (Score 1) 192

After being exposed to Turkish coffee, my reaction has been "if the spoon falls over, your coffee's not strong enough."

But even when diluted by emigration to America, some parts of Scandinavian coffee culture remains. My experience with various church groups has been that the Lutherans (and spinoffs of Swedish Lutheranism) make better coffee than the Methodists I grew up with, and Southern Baptists make worse coffee (they're really iced tea people.)

Comment Re:This is what we've warned you about (Score 5, Interesting) 281

Mining pools and custom hardware do make it possible for a large enough group to get over 50%, especially as the need for mining hardware crowds CPU and GPU miners out of the game. We'll see whether they decide it's more useful to stay over 50% and cheat, stay over 50% and not cheat, or split the pool into two or more pieces to keep the value of their Bitcoins higher than they would be if the market abandons Bitcoin because of perceptions of cheating.

Comment Re:Shoot him (Score 1) 309

The more tools you have to solve a problem the better off you are.

When there are too many tools you spend more time trying to find one that works rather than getting on with completing the job.

There's nothing more annoying than working on a project with someone that only knows 1 language.

Which has nothing to do with having more languages. That is a person who hasn't learned to use any other language.

Comment Shoot him (Score 0) 309

Anyone who thinks there aren't enough languages shouldn't be shot on sight. No exceptions.

What we need are people who are more interested in developing quality software, which works, without thinking they need to be on the bleeding edge of technology. Look at how horrible the web has become because people thought they were being hip and edgy by making continuous scrolling web sites or slide out menu options.

If you make a robust site, or application, you won't need to worry about needing the latest and greatest because it will just work.

Further, trying to claim that desktop applications are usable is a joke in itself. Just like web sites, developers, and the companies they work for, think throwing eye candy at the user is what is needed. As a result, one is constantly fighting the application because it thinks it knows what you are trying to do and tries to be "helpful" when all it's doing is getting in the way. Automatic tabs in Word anyone?

This is just another example of people in the industry being out of touch with reality. Maybe if they would spend more time out of their cube watching how real people perform their work,and how today's systems perform, we wouldn't have to hear about this nonsense every other week.

Comment Re:This is awesome (Score 1, Interesting) 217

If open source has one strength, it's that when many skilled eyes DO converge on the code

Keep making excuses for why open source should get a pass on something like this. The code has been around for 16 years. How many eyes have looked at the code since it was put out?

Open source is no better or worse than closed source. People just like to think it is because of situations like this when someone shouts, "I found a flaw!" but completely ignore the time the problem has existed.

If open source is so great, this flaw wouldn't have been around this long, would it?

Comment Re:huh (Score 1) 264

Why do we continue to allow things like this to get blown so far out of proportion that we end up sending 16yr olds to prison for something that never really had a chance to do harm to anyone in the first place?

So essentially blinding someone who is supposed to be in control of a vehicle which weighs several thousand pounds, carrying potentially hundreds of people and gallon upon gallon of highly explosive fuel does no harm? What a strange, twisted world you must live in where you think it's acceptable to potentially cause a catastrophic accident.

The next time you're out walking, I'll just flash one of these laser pointers at you because obviously they don't do any harm. If I happen to hit you in the eye and you lose your sight, oh well, no biggee.

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