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Comment Re:You make it... (Score 1) 519

Except VB6 is not a central tenant of any religion that I have ever heard of.

I'm torn between pointing out that if you'd actually got an education you wouldn't have tried to use a word (tenet) that you've never seen in print and probably don't know the exact meaning of, and just snarkily retorting that choice of programming language leads to wars which are indeed of religious fervor.

Unless, of course, you meant that VB6 lives inside a religion.
Besides, the real war is whether you use vi or emacs to edit your VB6 code.

Comment taxi? or limo? (Score 3, Informative) 507

A couple examples: the slang for rides in NYC is "yellow" for a taxi and "black" for a limo. The limos can pick anyone up but AFAIK can only charge a fixed fee for a given destination. Taxis are metered for time and distance (w/ airport exceptions).

Here in the Boston area, limos are fixed-fee either per hour or per location (airports again), and are barred from being flagged down--they're reservation-only. Taxis can be flagged, but I think they are not allowed to pick *anyone* up if they are outside their designated geographic zone. E.g. pick up in Boston, deliver to Worcester, but not allowed to pick up any ride in Worcester.

So part of the big question is: is Uber a taxi service or a limo service?

Comment Re:What about displaced electricity (Score 2) 363

The power for the smelter is supplied by hydro dams.

Is this for a newly constructed dam? Is there water available that would otherwise NOT be used to generate electricity?

I'm not taking a position on the power-neutrality of these batteries, but would like to point out that one of the real-world problems with all of our electrical power plants is that they are very difficult to load-balance. If we could set up an "on-demand" aluminum re-smelter which operates only when grid-demand for electricity drops, the power plant could be run at a steady level 24/7.

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