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Comment Re:Stick with a Macbook (Score 1) 708

Since you're coming from a Linux system No he's not... "I'm an OS X user looking to switch to a Linux laptop." Glad a Mac works out for you. Obviously it didn't for him. And as far as wifi and video drivers go, I haven't had a single problem with any of the 6 laptops I'm running linux on. Some people just can't stand someone leaving their platform...sheesh.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Can you name this app? (

helios17 writes: "Recently, an Austin Texas non profit took on the task of seeking software developers to aid in an application to help autistic kids learn to use a mouse. The HeliOS Project works with all financially disadvantaged kids but recently they have noted that some autistic kids cannot grasp the concept of the mouse. They have begun the development cycle with coders, academics and testers volunteering for the project but the one thing they cannot do is come up with a name for the app. That's why they come to the community at large to give them a hand"

Comment I'm not OK with this... (Score 1) 514

Just as well, judging by the latest HP laptop I've seen, they weren't very good at it. I won't argue your point because you are right. However, HP makes one of the finest laser printers on the market. HP was one of the first hardware companies that worked with Linux OOTB. The firmware was there with it as well. Good to note that Samsung and a couple other printer manufacturers have followed suit, but I'll miss my little 75.00 B&W laser printers that last for years and years.

Comment Smart move... (Score 1) 243

The second amendment only had relevance when The People had access to the same weaponry the government had. Sure The People could rise up with their hand weapons and rifles... Only to be put down by hellfire missiles and State of the Art armored vehicles. can count me out too.

Comment With those people in mind... (Score 1) 937

to keep environmentalists' brains from exploding
Today I will let my diesel truck idle for 6 hours, Drop several CFL bulbs and put the refuse in the regular trash, turn my thermostat down to 68 degrees, print obscene amounts of data on my colorjet printer then throw it away and smoke in close proximity to a clean air rally...while i sit idling in my diesel truck.
Of course, I will do all of this wearing my "keep the earth green" t-shirt.
It's the least I can do.

Comment Linux failed in the Desktop Market? No it didn't (Score 1) 591

It's a silly argument. Linux failed in the consumer desktop space No it didn't...It never even competed. It was never offered as a market choice. who's fault that is isn't the point. It "failed" because it never tried. No marketing, no exposure, no nothing. Linux will succeed but it will never be on the desktop...but it will prevail in the mobile market...they just won't call it Linux. Take the victory and move along.

Comment Yes (Score 1) 296

Can consumer support at hp do linux and windows ? Yes they can. Worked at an HP Customer Service Center on contract close to LA two years ago, doing hardware and network upgrades. Several large (read fortune 500) companies have service contracts with HP and many of them are running HP desktop with Linux and HP servers. They can certainly support Linux, and they do.

Comment on the button (Score 1) 338

My neighborhood is rife with insecure routers or WEP encryption. The latter taking only a few minutes longer to connect to than the first. If I were an arse, I could daisy-chain them on a weekly basis and have a few left over for the next week. Wardriving without the driving....a movie a day at least... But I am not and I will neighbors are good folks. But who's to say that there are not others in the neighborhood that are as decent. If anything, it might teach those without secure connections to make them so. But probably not...

Comment Well made indeed (Score 1) 674

I still have, and use daily a complete Phase Linear system I bought while in Germany. Sure, there are many components and it takes up a ton of room but man, when I sit stereophonic center in my listening room, I couldn't tell you where any one speaker is and the sound is so clear and bright, it does justice to the is reproduced the way it was intended. And yeah, I'm someone's dad who has better equipment than his kids...and they know it.

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