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Comment Re:Whoops (Score 4, Funny) 622

Is it a nuclear sub? Because (based on a linear extrapolation from Ivy Mike; sorry, not a Nuclear Engineer) a hogshead of plutonium would generate around 40 gigatons of explosive force if detonated.

Perhaps your sub works by moving the Earth around it?

Comment Well, of course! (Score 4, Funny) 223

Publishing companies need to make enormous amounts of money so they can do important things like:
  • Paying researchers top dollar for important publications
  • Offering large emoluments for Reviewers
  • Hiring top-notch editors to perform quality typesetting
  • Host powerful commercial publishing access sites, as universities, libraries, and professional organizations are simply unwilling to pitch in.


Comment Re:A sign of the unfortunate fact... (Score 1) 49

So, you're saying it's better to have people cut off from the world because they are unable to communicate rather than giving the opportunity and letting them choose? (If I'm wrong, please tell me; sometimes it's hard to properly negate a sarcastic response)

Or do you think that choosing to pick up a foreign language for one of these isolated Kenyans is as easy as going to the local Adult Education Center?

Comment A sign of the unfortunate fact... (Score 1, Insightful) 49

...that we all speak different languages. These people are welcome to try and make a profit off these inefficiencies. But the fact that this market exists (or, perhaps, the fact that these txteagle people might be able to convince some VCs it does) says to me that we should be trying to teach these people a more global language, so they can participate on equal footing rather than being marginalized.

Submission + - Poll: Favorite living author

Xeth writes: Poll: Favorite living author
  • Lois McMaster Bujold
  • Neil Gaiman
  • Joe Haldeman
  • George R.R. Martin
  • Neal Stephenson
  • Vernor Vinge
  • Gene Wolfe
  • I attend CowboyNeal's book signings
United States

Submission + - Gasoline prices grow teleworkers, attract congress

coondoggie writes: "The price of gasoline may finally be changing the way many people commute and communicate but the picture isn't all rosy. Anecdotal evidence says teleworkers are growing rapidly as a direct result of the cost of driving. For example, According to Leichtman Research Group, the nineteen largest cable and telephone providers in the US, representing about 94% of the market, acquired over 2.9 million net additional high-speed Internet subscribers in the first quarter of 2007. The top broadband providers now account for 56.2 million subscribers, with cable companies having over 30.7 million broadband subscribers, and telephone companies having over 25.4 million subscribers. That in part can be directly to more employees taking advantage of telework programs, experts say.Just this week the House Judiciary Committee's antitrust task force opened the first of a number of hearings on the oil industry, with its chairman noting that gasoline prices have soared well above $3 a gallon and asking, "How did we get into this mess?" 4"
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - New Bill S.1348 contains SKIL bill H-1B expansion.

Anomalous Cowheart writes: "The new senate bill to expand and monitor immigration is now on-line : Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007. The fine print in Subtitle B — SKIL Act of 2007 (I'd link but it keeps changing) contains H-1B expansion upping the quota to 115,000 with twenty percent annual growth. Personally I get scared when George Bush and Ted Kennedy agree on something. There's a lot of voices of these issues: for some not opening H-1B up to all professional fiels and 20% growth on an already soft "cap" is a deal breaker. Others say there should be more non-immigrant workers. What say you?"

Submission + - SF Elections Adopts Open Voting Policy

Onymous Coward writes: Last night (May 16), the San Francisco Elections Committee established two policies that promote Open Voting: that reasonable effort should be used to select technology that is at a minimum publicly-disclosed, and to prioritize systems and vendors that provide open voting-level security and transparency when contracting. The Open Voting Consortium provides an announcement.

Submission + - Amazon dumps DRM

Ashok writes: "The war against DRM strengthens as more and more people, companies and organizations join the battle at the side of the defective by design campaign by Free Software Foundation. Amazon has announced that it will dump DRM from the online music outlet it intends to launch this year. Amazon has instead decided on an mp3 only strategy which enables buyers to play the music in any device of their choice."

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