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Comment Re:Smart guns... (Score 1) 814

Estimates are in the range of 2M defensive gun uses a year. Most of these may not even involve the criminal seeing the gun, merely hearing it or hearing the owner yell he has one. Very few involves actually shooting a gun.

Studies have consistently shown the conceal carry permittees commit fewer crimes than off duty cops, and conceal carry permittees kill more criminals with fewer side effects than cops.

Anyone who still thinks ordinary people can't be trusted with guns has blinders on.

Comment Re:Sounds legit. Ater all, what could go wrong? (Score 1) 258

No, standard cars don't. The best acceleration you can get in high end street cars is about 1G, but very few do that under any circumstance. The limit is the friction between rubber and road.

One of the standard performance measurements is 0-60 mph which is 88 fps. 10 seconds is a standard dividing line between slugs and ok, 5 seconds is very good but not exceptional. 5 seconds is 17.6 fpsps, which is 1/2 G. As far as I know, the fastest street cars do it in about 3 seconds, which is close to 1G.

Comment Re:It's opposite land (Score 1) 4

Perhaps you are a little unsure of some basic science. Almost all the food you eat has been genetically modified over thousands of years. What you might think of as natural didn't exist even 1000 years ago in its present form.

GMO food has two differences from selectively-bred food. One, it selects the genes in question extremely precisely, where breeding is hit or miss, choosing all the gene changes as a group when only one or a few are what is wanted. This is like writing a book by choosing random words from the dictionary, but claiming to be selective by limiting your choice to all but ten random pages.

Two, it happens much much faster. What might take thousands of generations and ten thousand years now takes only a few years.

Do you build houses by throwing trees, rocks, and other raw material in thousands of piles and choosing the bets one? That's what natural breeding does.

Anyone who opposes GMO as not being "natural" is scientifically illiterate.

Comment Re:Misdiagnosis (Score 1) 376

Well, if you're a progressive, collectivist, or any other brand of statist, you surely do.

What astonishes me the most about statists is the amount of lip service they pay to democracy while at the same time having such dismal views of the poor schmucks they "guide". Everything they do is under the base assumption that people are too damn dumb and ignorant to run their own lives, yet they profess belief in these same dumb dimwitted schmucks voting to elect their elite betters.

If you are one of those elites, or at least think you are, I wonder how much history you actually know, how many times the elites have stomped all over private initiatives as intruding on the government's prerogative, and then used the lack of private initiative as an excuse for a vastly more muddled government reduplication which stifles all individual choice in the matter, and locks in the poor choice made without any hope of flexibility as conditions change.

How any rational person can know of these things and think it all just fine, like a cat with a dung covered bottom, is beyond me.

Comment Re:Misdiagnosis (Score 2) 376

Benefit? By whose definition, yours?

I have a better idea. Leave people alone, and they will (a) figure out what other people want, and (b) make it, and (c) make money.

The funny thing is, (c) wouldn't be a problem with the elite nearly so much if it weren't for the fact that (a) was done without the elites' guidance.

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