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Comment Re:Well they're getting closer to the truth (Score 1) 473

I was born in the USSR, didn't see a computer until I was 13 but 'programmed' a computer on PAPER from about age of 11 because I liked reading and read an adventure book that showed me how to code to solve puzzles.

The country fell apart, we immigrated more than once to more than one country, had to go through all that, since had no savings had to work from 16 to help support the family.

Put myself through college by working and earning, worked in my profession since first year of university, had a full time job while doing almost full time college (got my degree in 5 years instead of 4 by taking lower course load but doing it around the year, no days off).

Became a contractor and for 9 years did that, started my own company and have a dozen employees in 2 different countries today building software that I want to build, finding my own clients.

I would say out of all of this, starting my own company and using my own savings as investment to build software I had no idea I could apply to anybody (find clients at all) was the hardest thing, it's a risk I took with money and time that cannot be returned unless I make it work.

The question now is: if I were a female would I ever BOTHER to write programs on paper in the first place or not? I don't know the answer to that since I am not a female but I don't know any females that did that.

Comment A saying comes to mind (Score 1) 277

'Beware of Greeks bearing gifts' is not just a saying or anal sex reference. Now, I haven't touched ms products in near a decade and this will not at all change that, but many are ready to give up anything for free cheese. But you know where you find free cheese, right?

OTOH I understand MS. In our days of companies getting billions of dollars in the stock market not for making profits from paying customers but for giving free stuff away, MS wants to get onto that bandwagon as well. What is easier, building a product and marketing it and selling and making limited profits on transactions or giving stuff away for free and 'generating buzz' by having millions of 'eye balls', never mind these are fickle, never paying usersl. As long as the Fed keeps printing and pushing artificially low interest rates and thus causing bubbles by providing huge incentives and means to gamble there are fewer and fewer reasons to build valuable products as opposed to giving away something free of charge and getting money from this inflation and search for yield.

MS was always late to the market of ideas though. They missed at least 2 bubbles this way. I wonder if they will have enough time to cash in now before the bond market collapse?

Comment Re:Perhaps this is why some places are better to l (Score 2) 108

I completely disagree that politeness is more important than technical correctness. If I know that somebody was born a male and used modern technology to turn into w female looking person ai still consider that person a male and will not change my definition of them for their sake. It is just not going to happen. I don't mean to be in their face, I believe in live and let live to this absolute. But I will not change nomenclature for anybody's sake.

Comment Re:UK needs to be run by corporations like America (Score 1) 266

Whatever that book is, it is propaganda and has nothing yo do with reality. A society only exists as long as there are individuals who want to enrich themselves and build products and services in pursuit of that goal. I lived in Germany for over 4 years in total and I know that people there understand that fact. Now, it is still not a free society in Germany, which is why I am not staying there though I come over periodically. The tax police in Germany is a fact of life that people have to deal with there and ratting out your neighbours is a national past time. It is a successful country so far but only because it is moving away from socialism mostly, not towards it. I prefer societies that realize that the individual is more important than the collective personally. It is hard to find and it is not a society bound by nation borders, it is a society above such notions and limits.

Comment Re: Liberty (Score 1) 609

Correct an individual shooting another individual is not a violation of human rights, it is only a criminal offence as we decide to define criminal activity and does not have to do anything with government.

Individual rights only mean anything as a relation between an individual and a collective since the only institution that has authority to remove your freedoms legally and legitimately is a government collective system. An individual murdering another is two legally equal entities dealing with each other and the rules as to what we do in case of such violation is what we know as the criminal justice system and it does need have anything to do with any government at all.

A government taking things from you and murdering you is clearly not a conflict of equal entities, so the only thing an individual can rely upon is a system of rules that prevent government the authority to destroy you, that is what rights are.

Also it must be made clear that when an individual hurts another individual it is fairly obvious who the punishment should go to. One individual or a company, hurting another individual or a company - the legally responsible are easy to figure out.

A government cannot be punished. No person in the government system will ever be punished for what the system is doing collectively to an individual. Since the government cannot be punished in any way really, it has to be prevented from doing the wrong thing in the first place, that is what the Constitution is supposed to do: define the limited authority for government to be able to remove the rights of an individual and in all other cases our individual rights must protect us against government.

So again, your comment stems from basic and fundamental misunderstanding of what rights are.

Comment Re: Liberty (Score 1) 609

ha! Shows what kind of privileged cushioned life you have. Governments where I was born and where I lived and where I went for business on some occasions will make you disappear, but this list today includes the USA.

Individual rights are rights not to be oppressed by government, there is nothing else that can be called a right. Everything that the left thinks of when they say 'right' is an entitlement. Entitlement to other people's effort, time, money.

A right cannot be given, a right has to be protected. AFAIC that's the only single reason to have any government at all in the first place. There is no other legitimate reason to have any government at all whatsoever but to protect rights of individuals not to be oppressed by an emergent government structure.

Instead of protecting rights the mob wants to steal rights and to be given entitlements and so they instrument and institute exactly the types of governments that pay lip service to individual rights while destroying those rights in order to provide entitlements to the mob.

Comment Re: Liberty (Score 1) 609

Religious freedom is garbage because it immediately goes against the principle of individual freedom. Any group freedom is garbage, because it sets itself above an individual.

However any private individual and any private company must be able to discriminate against anybody they want. People do it on daily basis. Who we date, where we work, who we buy from... just because somebody starts a business nothing in the USA Constitution says they must now lose their freedom to discriminate who they want to congregate and associate with.

Government must not be allowed to discriminate against any group of people, that is absolutely correct. Governments discriminating against groups is what allows slavery and genocide to exist.

Individual people must be able to discriminate against each other and against companies without government intervention.

Companies (companies have people running them, so companies represent those people) must be able to discriminate against anybody without government intervention.

The religious folks in some parts of the USA have managed to secure themselves the freedoms that actually belong to every individual and to anybody running a company. The unfortunate part is exactly that this freedom is not protected for everybody but only for certain religious folks. Certain religious folks, because I have doubts that the same States that will not prosecute a Christian for discrimination will also not prosecute a Muslim. Atheists are definitely going to be prosecuted, apparently atheists are not allowed to discriminate because they have no believes, but that is discrimination by government against groups of people.

Being discriminated against by an individual or a by a company sucks, but it is not at all the same thing and must never be a criminal or any other court related case as opposed to government discrimination. Government discrimination puts you in prison, takes your property and all your rights, enslaves and shoots you.

Private discrimination inconveniences you, but you have no entitlement to convenience.

The entire problem roots itself in complete lack of understanding of most basic concepts, such as the concept of what a right is. A right is not an entitlement! Being given somebody because you think somebody (anybody) must give it to you is an entitlement and entitlements destroy rights of those, who are forced to give it.

A right is protection against government oppression, nothing else.

Comment Re:Women who want to do it are doing it (Score 1) 185

Whatever, dumb shit, nothing changes based on anything you say, you can't see the forest for the trees. Men and women are different innately, the moment they are born they have different interests and it shows over years as they are growing up. You see, dumb shit, not only sexual preferences are inborn, so are societal preferences and it completely directs what jobs we choose. Now, get the fuck out, git.

Comment OMG, more buzzwords and silver bullets (Score 1) 55


As she vividly put it: if you're on a rooftop, trying to get a connection and successfully send out an encrypted message because your life or freedom - or that of others - depends on it, and you know that there are snipers waiting to take a shot at you - there is simply zero room for using a tool as complex as PGP.

"We forgot that our job was really to stop bad things from happening to good people," she pointed out.

- well fuck, a system that sends messages shouldn't require that you know how PGP works, it should just apply it without forcing you to do anything you wouldn't do on a 'non-secure' system. Login, write a message and push the send button. Login could even be an option, your equipment could login by itself.

So, how do we go about doing that? The answer is: in an organized manner - with threat modeling, adversary modeling, and operational planning.

- sure. Or you could sanitise your inputs, follow sound practices, like not pass parameters in the open and if you do, ensure that the information they represent actually can be accessed by whoever passes them, prevent people from using bad passwords, set permissions on resources in such a way that only authenticated and authorised users can see and modify them.

Basically TFA is somebody trying to sell the same thing with a set of buzzwords.

Comment Re:Women who want to do it are doing it (Score 1) 185

You are a moron. 'I spent a day' does not imply anything beyond one thing: I spent a day. It does not imply anything else, it does not tell you how many other days or years I spent doing that same thing. You are the one without any reasoning, which is why you can't understand that men and women are different from birth and want different things from birth. You can accept that for sexuality and gender but not for other behaviour, get the fuck out.

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