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Comment Re:American Citizen (Score 3, Insightful) 334

I can't point to any specific right or law that would make that true.

You don't need a law to make that true - The constitution makes that the truth by default.

In the absence of a constitutional amendment giving them the power to deny a legal US citizen entry to the US, they can't deny a legal US citizen entry to the US. Simple as that, really.

That said, they can basically make her return with none of her possessions ("Sorry, you might have... uh... fruit fly eggs on your clothes, take 'em off"), and only after enjoying a nice deep cavity search, so...

Comment Re:Nothing to see here, move along... (Score 1, Insightful) 195

This is where I have an issue. ANY piece of science than, in any way, might somehow make someone question the global warming dogma is immediately attacked and discredited.

Agreed: if this work was identical in every respect but said nothing about climate, no one would pay any attention to it. Instead, it "must be false" because it has been used by Denialists (somehow... it isn't clear to me how, but Denialists are insane so I guess it doesn't have to be).

My favorite response to this story from Warmists has been statements along the lines of, "The Little Ice Age was local to Europe and in any case caused by volcanic eruptions" (which result in global cooling.) It's a bit like the old Russian joke about "It was a long time ago and in any case it never happened."

It is possible but quite tricky to reconcile the claims that the Little Ice Age was both local and caused by volcanoes, but the people putting forward these arguments don't even try. They just spout whatever contradiction sustains their faith.

This is not to say AGW isn't real and doesn't deserve a significant policy response, including rapid building of modern nuclear plants to replace base-load coal, shifting of taxes from income to carbon emissions, and public money spent to support solar, storage and smarter grids. But many people who "believe in global warming" have decoupled themselves from the science, such that almost anything that happens will be spun in support of their beliefs.

Comment Re:Interesting study (Score 1) 195

The solar constant is 1360 W/m**2, so 0.2% reduction would be 2.7 W/m**2. Current anthropogenic climate contributions come out to about 1 W/m**2 (some decrease from aerosols, some increase from GHGs).

Only about 1/3 of that 2.7 W/m**2 is relevant at the surface, but it's still very much in the range of anthropogenic contributions to the terrestrial heat balance.

Comment Re:For an alternative (Score 2) 581

No, defending freedom of speech means defending speech from interference by the government. It's not about controlling the editorial policies of publishers running private businesses.

This tiresome point comes up in every discussion on free speech and censorship.

We have a constitutional right to free speech in the US - Reddit's policies can't violate that, you have that much correct.

Reddit's policies can, however, violate the principles behind why we have the right to free speech enshrined in our constitution in the first place. Our culture doesn't believe in the ideal of free speech because of the first amendment; we have the first amendment because we believe in free speech.

Reddit absolutely has the right to ban whatever the hell it wants. And its users, in turn, have the right to call them out as hypocrites for it.

Comment Which side of his face did this come from? (Score 1) 581

Comment Filler appendices and introduction to the problem? (Score 1) 33

Filler appendices and introduction to the problem? What about over 30 pages of autopromo?
Testimonials. Reviews. Forewords By Famous People I'd Never Heard About. Award nominations. Blurbs. Thanks to Famous People for Help.

If I see the book needs so much space to convince the reader it's any good, it means the actual content definitely isn't good enough to sell the book.

Comment Re:Big truck != Big company (Score 1) 363

You can buy a used food truck/UPS van for just a few thousand. You can buy a LOT of truck used for twenty large. Independent delivery vehicles typically aren't bought new. If you're in that market as an independent contractor, you're lucky to have a dedicated consumer Garmin unit. There exists a market outside of the new 18 wheeler semitractor, which don't really fit inside of a city as dense as NYC.

Comment Re:FOIA isn't meant to support a business model. (Score 1) 139

Why "ride the coattails" rather than "stand on the shoulders of giants"?

Is it so terrible that someone might benefit from someone else's work? That multiple eyeballs see the same info, multiple brains ponder meaning, multiple voices tell its story?

Attempting to protect exclusivity with public information is not the right answer.

Comment Re:Info should be Releases When Produced (Score 3, Insightful) 139

Good idea in theory, non sustainable in practice. There's just too much information generated daily; the cost of hosting would be overly high and I bet the UI for navigating it would be horrid.

The current process is nominally OK, less the fact that only one person benefits from the work of retrieving it. Once found, it should be free for all.

Comment Re:FOIA isn't meant to support a business model. (Score 3) 139

And waste more taxpayer money forcing a public employee to go through all the work again?

Free for one, free for all. Putting in the initial request is performing a public service, not something proprietary.

If the process is a "maze", that suggests a process improvement to be made, not an excuse to privatize public information.

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