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Comment What Windows 8 Could Have Been (Score 3, Insightful) 155

If Microsoft allowed Windows 8 on ARM to have desktop applications this is what could have been.

This sounds very intriguing. I hope something comes of this. I'm not sure I care about this for a phone but for a tablet it would be awesome.
Imagine the Asus Transformer Prime running Ice Cream Sandwich as a tablet, and when docked its a full blown laptop.

Comment Re:Learn photography. (Score 1) 402

You can frame and compose using an electronic viewfinder or even the back display.

As for DoF, I would argue that this is better to do electronically.
Most dSLRs have the aperture WIDE open when not shooting. They do this for focusing and so that there is enough light to your eye. When I press my DoF preview button on my Canon 7D the light is reduced and I see a very dark scene on anything f/4.0 and up. I would have to imagine that DoF previewing on a mirrorless camera would be better because they could adjust the exposure (ISO and such) in software so you can preview now only DoF but exposure at the SAME TIME.

Comment Re:Learn photography. (Score 1) 402

Additionally, you give up battery life that could be used for other things like taking more photos or using a slightly smaller battery.

Electronic wins over mechanical as far as battery life. The mechanical moving of the mirror, shutter, etc will soon be a thing of the past. Displays will require less and less energy while those motors will consume the same since they are already highly optimized.

Comment Re:Hardware folk shouldn't write code (Score 1) 191

That was a 1:1 port. Using classes you could make it even more clean by having a gpio class.

gpios = [GPIO(i) for i in xrange(17)]

for _ in xrange(5):
        for gpio in gpios:
        for gpio in gpios:

Comment Re:Hardware folk shouldn't write code (Score 3, Informative) 191

Python makes everything cleaner.

# Make the 17 GPIO file systems & set them to output mode
for g in gpiotbl:
        with open('/sys/class/gpio/export', 'w') as fout:
                print >> fout, "%d" % g
        with open('/sys/class/gpio%d/direction' % g, 'w') as fout:
                print >> fout, "out"

# light effect on buffers
for rep in xrange(5):
        for g in gpiotbl[:12]:
                with open('/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value' % g, 'w') as fout:
                        print >> fout, "1"
        for g in gpiotbl[:12]:
                with open('/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value' % g, 'w') as fout:
                        print >> fout, "0"



Comment Re:Learn photography. (Score 1) 402

People interchangeably use DSLR instead of "camera with manual modes".
The fact that you're actually looking through the lens doesn't really matter much.
The SLRs design is because you couldn't look through film, so you had to have a mirror and a bunch of other things no longer needed in 2012.
Today you can look through film, because the film is a CCD.

All that said, I have a ton of Canon SLR equipment that I've bought over the past 2 years and I might start to regret it.

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