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Comment Re:Normal women... (Score 1) 765

>*most people like to get through their workday without having to deal with a bunch of skeevy guys who believe wagging their dicks all over is the height of sophisticated masculine behavior.* //

Most [Western] countries have laws that make exposing your genitals to anyone at work, out of context, unlawful. In other countries you'd probably just be laughed at and fired. Both reasonable responses IMO.

In your own time however, most democratic countries will preserve your right to dance around and wave your genitals in private with like minded individuals no matter who thinks you're immature or "skeevy" [is that like slimy?].

Certain groups of men, and women, have different mores. What gives you the right to set the public standard of behaviour for everyone?

Comment Re:Animal House (Score 1) 765

>*the idea of a software repository, and open source projects, is that anyone can contribute* //

So because of this one project suddenly the whole repo is unusable or the whole idea of OSS is untenable?? Like because one guy flicked a booger in a restaurant now no one in the world can eat at a restaurant - the whole concept of restaurants is tainted and all chefs must commit seppuku?

On a wider view it could well be argued that you're simply trying to deny something inherent to the character of many males. Personally I'm not in to jokes about genitalia, and toilet humour but it seems pretty widespread amongst men and not entirely uncommon amongst women. So do we stop men being men?

Does this mean that women in majority female employment have to stop discussing soap operas and fashion - stereotypically female mores. If not why not, many men find them toxic and unhelpful and that a pre-occupation with such things excludes them.

I choose making strict - democratically agreed - boundaries within working environments, assessing work on the merit of the work, and leaving people who want to make adolescent jokes to do so as they please so long as they don't do it during work and it doesn't affect their performance.

Comment Re:New study? (Score 1) 274

In defence of Latin you can probably read it on monuments, tombs, and in old buildings in every major city in Europe; it provides loan words and base words for most European languages; it's useful for lawyers and historians at least; you can look intelligent by making quotes in Latin. /Ipsa scientia potestas est/. ;0)>

Comment Re:Common sense to you and me, but... (Score 1) 98

>He never actually said he wanted to ban encrpytion. That was the tech media taking some vague statements and running with it.
>He said that he wanted to make sure that the security services could read any communication.

So he doesn't want to ban encryption only useful, working encryption? Not sure that really changes anything.

Logically your alternative doesn't work - if I die and the password dies with me then SS can't read the communication. Even just making it a crime not to assist with decryption doesn't make the SS able to read communications. It can't be done without breaking privacy - it's an either-or; either we have private communications or SS can read any communications they wish (ie all communication's privacy can be compromised).

Comment Re:Is there still a suddenoutbreakofcommonsense ta (Score 0) 98

>Banning TOR is not technologically impossible, it is quite easy to do. //

Go on?

Suppose I create an SSH tunnel or use a VPN to a machine that I run TOR on - you're going to enforce a ban on that and it's "quite easy". Pray tell how?

Suppose you're going to be super-naive about it and just block TOR traffic at the ISP user level - it's encrypted and can be passed on common ports like 443 - how do you stop that traffic?

Comment Re:Buy some suntain lotion (Score 2) 230

>reporting vulnerabilities doesn't get you put in Jail, however manipulating sites without permission to look for them does. //

Except that in this case the report is evidence of having "manipulated" the site "without permission" *.

* web accessible documents have an assumed permission IMO; the removal of permission is performed by making the page only accessible with a password or similar auth.

Comment Re:Can Lenovo Be Sued? (Score 1) 144

If the law sees it that way then you need to start selling to businesses and include small print that says "by accepting these goods you sign over all property, goods, chattels and monies under your or the accepting company's ownership, stewardship or control to us without let or hindrance from the date and time noted".

The court then to remain consistent would need to ensure that this small print is held to be equally valid ...

Comment Re:Useless complaint center (Score 1) 217

>But I worked for a company that got $88,000 in fines in a single month. //

And still found it profitable to harass people by phone? Usually such fines are miniscule compared to the companies operating funds and so just get absorbed in to the costs of doing business rather than altering the company's behaviour.

Comment Re:And their reasoning is? (Score 1) 1350

If there was really a prohibition against "creating visual depictions of figures" then there would be no TV or photography in use by muslims. Writing certain languages would be right out too, anything with characters based on pictograms of [human] figures.

But there isn't, it's a very new thing. IMO it's been brought in as an excuse to justify violence that would be otherwise so abhorrent to most people who call themselves muslims that they'd probably risk death in favour of apostasy. If however those who want to control the muslim population feign offense and cry that they're only trying to protect Islam then they can win over "cultural" muslims.

Comment Re:islam (Score 1) 1350

>*all of which were surrounded by religious fervour.* //

That's absolute crap. The IRA weren't battling to spread Christianity in any way shape or form; some of them may have been Christians however. The Provisional IRA are probably the group most associated with terrorist activity (at least in my lifetime), the Manchester Bombings are probably the event that I most remember from "the troubles".

If you can find any reference to them considering they were waging a war to promote Christianity I'd be very interested; they're mostly associated with Marxism from what I can tell. Here's the Papal view on what you're calling Catholic terrorism (if it contradicts the pope it ain't [Roman] Catholic):

>'9. Secondly, peace cannot be established by violence, peace can never flourish in a climate of terror, intimidation and death. It is Jesus himself who said : "All who take the sword will perish by the sword" (Mt 26 :52). This is the word of God, and it commands this generation of violent men to desist from hatred and violence and to repent.'

>'I join my voice today to the voice of Paul VI and my other predecessors, to the voices of your religious leaders, to the voices of all men and women of reason, and I proclaim, with the conviction of my faith in Christ and with an awareness of my mission, that violence is evil, that violence is unacceptable as a solution to problems, that violence is unworthy of man. Violence is a lie, for it goes against the truth of our faith, the truth of our humanity. Violence destroys what it claims to defend: the dignity, the life, the freedom of human beings. Violence is a crime against humanity, for it destroys the very fabric of society. I pray with you that the moral sense and Christian conviction of Irish men and women may never become obscured and blunted by the lie of violence, that nobody may ever call murder by any other name than murder, that the spiral of violence may never be given the distinction of unavoidable logic or necessary retaliation. Let us remember that the word remains for ever : "All who take the sword will perish by the sword". '

(Pope John Paul II, 1979 visit to Ireland,

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