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Comment Off (Score 0) 332

To me Facebook just got to be a total pain in the a___ - I had like 300 "friends" most of them just partial or casual acquaintances..and they also had like 300 friends - so basically even if I posted an update I wanted certain people to see they would miss it because of all the other postings (of you know cats in bear costumes and what not) so I had to email them so they could look - um I could of just emailed them in the first place....not to mention people you work with who try and friend you then if you ignore it (because you don't like them) that causes grief at work - ugh I just washed my hands of it and never looked back. Sure people give you crap at first but in the end no one really cares if you are on Facebook or not - Now the innovations they made in handling big data I applaud - although Hammerbacher split to go to Cloudera and I think quite a few of their other big brains have split too - anyways that is my rant - cheers

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