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Comment Re:What is it? (Score 2) 145

chickens are omnivores. they eat everything, grass, bugs, other chickens if they get bloodlust... they will even eat dirt and fecal material... my uncle raises his own chickens and feeds them with some feed and garden greens...

there is also a neat organic chicken method where they are in a moveable, large area cage, which forces them to eat grass and dirt, which they usually avoid as they seek bugs as primary food... it takes grass 7 days to recover from this organic feeding method so you don't need a huge area to do it in. the reason old farms had no problem with bugs was by making the chickens free range in farmland and they would seek shelter (hen house) and without fences you just need a dog or two to keep the chickens on your land... true factory farms produce eggs faster but it is more resource heavy than local farming practices. which we know are sustainable because we have old villages where at one point people were subsistence farming.

they claim you don't need dogs, but dogs also deter chicken raiding foxes or wolves.

Comment Re:writer doesn't get jeopardy, or much of anythin (Score 1) 455

there is a very important thing to consider.

that the reason computers seem so slow at somethings like ai is because we are already inside a singularity, and that as entities inside the construct have no way to 'meet' the intelligence of our singular mind. to create a true singularity from within a true singularity would be akin to rewriting the whole thing and as the singularity we have no way to overwrite our existence except to die and rejoin it. assuming the developers designed it that way.

Comment Re:What is it, an ad? (Score 1) 26

3d tv was a dud because tv sets were in a bubble. it takes at least 10 years for someone to want to replace a perfectly fine tv set. 3d films are expensive are large enough that many of the 3d bluray are unable to use a single disc. flash memory is up to 128 GB in sd card format which makes it about as capable as a quad layer blu ray. 360 degree degree 3d films are huge on resources to create and store, though gpus can render worlds in realtime saving the need to store them, but rather to store the bookmarks for lack of a better word that allow hardware to recreate the computer generated vision. . lugging around a 6tb hdd to fit a few movies when lossy 1080p can use around 2.5 gb per layer and thus fit 400 films per terrabyte or 200 3d films, or perhaps fit 33 movies with annoying fisheye lenses that maybe can be software corrected... keep in mind i assumed fisheye and heavily lossy, and i didn't assume 4k or 8k resolutions. so really you can fit 1 movie on a 1 tb hdd. keep in mind the tablet and smartphone movement has made powerful computers something only corporations are allowed to own, there won't be general purpouse computers capable of handling all the data in all the right places to make this work. we need sustainable tech, using cardboard and a smartphone to make a 3d cinema is neat, and perhaps a step in the right direction, towards sustainability, but some of us want to be able to customize the interface however we like it, and if i can have a 8 channel tuner and 8 virtual 60 inch tv sets, with selectable audio like the football channel on direct tv, then a 3d headset capable of that is far more sustainable than buying 8 tv sets or buying two 4k 120" sets side by side...

Comment Re:It's still a fair point (Score 1) 49

"What criteria would you apply to these people to designate them as "insane", and what behaviour would you change about them to fix it? (And how do measure such a change so that you can tell when they're no longer insane?)"

using windows on a network constitutes as crazy. the change is when they realize we need truly free software, the four freedoms. trying to run the world on windows or macos or android all with the corporation as a benevolent dictator is not good enough. slaves to your corporate masters is no better than joining a cult where the leader is 'divine' and if he asks you to cut your throat you ask when and with what...

Comment Re:Nvidia to blame (Score 1) 474

"Nvidia plays the game every bit as dirty as Intel. In this case, Nvidia has created something called 'GAMEWORKS'- a proprietary closed-source library of routines specifically designed to collapse the performance of games on AMD hardware (or older Nvidia hardware). Nvidia pays shills to counter information like this in forums like this one, so let me give you one example."

every company in existance is dirty, can't double the number of billionaires if people aren't overpaying for what they recieve. personally i run amd hardware have been for a long time. recently i built a desktop i picked an 8 core model i used whatever hardware i could find and the system ran at about $1,000 in parts. the chip i used was the last no gpu on die 8 core processor (really 4 physical with 4 logical cores) the only thing i could run that lit all the dark silicon was bitcoin mining. but even so, amd's new chip generation was a shocking dissapointment for me, as they were noticablly slower than the previous generation. the world is full of liers and cheats... i tried a nvidia card a while back and it was incompatible with microsoft aero, the previous attempt to buy an nvidia was too short a chip for the heatsink in an asus brand nvidia... so i see no reason to ever buy an nvidia again, i am not a schill when i say nvidia is not the only laying cheater out there, i will never own another nvidia.

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