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Journal Journal: BZip 2 Problems (and the Inland Revenue can't spell) 7

Well, as you can probably tell by the title, I'm having BZip2 problems :P. Specifically it won't allow me to do a "bunzip2 --version 2> /dev/null" to see if it works. It outputs the --version text to stderr. The version I have is 1.0.1; if it's been fixed more recently, please tell me :). If not, does anyone know how I'd get around this problem?

And, onto my second point, the Inland Revenue can't spell. I got a "National Insurance Numbercard" today (presumably because I'm almost old enough to get a full time job). Last time I checked, "Numbercard" wasn't a word. *ahem*

UPDATE - 10:14 UK time - uncompress seems to behave like bunzip2 :(

Journal Journal: Ooh... Wasted mod points 3

Well, today I wasted my first mod points :).
Moderated 5 posts in an article so I would only have to remember to not post in one, then went and posted in it. As if that wasn't enough, I was replying to an AC. Damn :P.

In other news, today my karma went to excellent. woo.

UPDATE - 9:42 PM UK time: If you want to see how it looks to be a total idiot, see this screenshot.


Journal Journal: Porn Spam - Trying to use English slang and failing? 3

Recently I've been reading through porn spam (if you know it's spam it's often quite funny to read what crap they put in there :P), and they seem to think that "wanker" means "penis". Example:


Hmm... Who do I know who is a huge wanker? I know! What are they doing in there?!?!?!

Anyway... Just find it odd... :P

User Journal

Journal Journal: Do YOU know autoconf? 5

Well, do you know autoconf? I sure as hell don't, but my hacked together configure scripts for bloat (CVS )...well...suck :P. I need some better ones, but I don't know how. If anyone does know how, please do!

Journal Journal: ICQ, Jabber, AIM, Yahoo! - but no MSN? 1

Just noticed the IM options for profiles... I also noticed that there is no MSN option. Why??? I know /. isn't exactly full of love for MS, but the fact remains that a lot of people use the IM service. Anyway, I filled in the rest ('cept Jabber), but I'd still like to see MSN :/.


Journal Journal: Bloat - Extractor Selector 3

Well, my first actual sourceforge project - basically it selects an extractor program based on filename.

Find it here: bloat

Anyone who has basic experience in Perl could write it, if anyone wants to join the team just submit code.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Work experience etc.

Next week I have work experience... Great.
Under-age, non-paid labour, 9:30am-6:00pm


(Apologies if this entry is odd, but I am currently on prednislone and that makes me write odd things...)

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