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Wireless Network Modded To See Through Walls 161

KentuckyFC writes "The way radio signals vary in a wireless network can reveal the movement of people behind closed doors, say researchers who have developed a technique called variance-based radio tomographic imaging which processes wireless signals to peer through walls. They've tested the idea with a 34-node wireless network using the IEEE 802.15.4 wireless protocol (the personal area network protocol employed by home automation services such as ZigBee). The researchers say that such a network could be easily distributed by the police or military wanting to determine what's going on inside a building. But such a network, which uses cheap off-the-shelf components, might also be easily deployed by your neighbor or anybody else wanting to monitor movements in your home."

New York Times Site Pop-Up Says Your Computer Is Infected 403

Zott writes "Apparently, 'some readers' of the New York Times site are getting a bit more with their news: an apparently syndicated adware popup with a faux virus scan of the user's computer indicating they are infected, and a link to go download a fix now. It's entertaining when a Mac user gets it, but clearly downloading an .exe file isn't a good way to keep your computer clean ..." Update: 09/14 03:20 GMT by T : Troy encountered this malware, "and did basic forensics. Summary: iframe ad then series of HTML/JS redirects, ending at a fake virus scanner page with a "Scan" link (made to look like a dialog box button) that downloaded malware." Nice explanation!

Comment Re:Outperform? (Score 1) 457

Damn - I shouldn't be replying to my own post but if one used Miles per kilo Watt Hour to compare both electric and gas vehicles he would be ignoring the fact that the power generator that created the electricity for the EV was not 100% efficient. Some say that a coal electricity plant is only about 40% efficient So the comparison isn't as easy as I first thought. You would have to take into account what sort of generators are used to create electricty in your neighbourhood, and how efficient the charging system is.

Comment Re:Outperform? (Score 1) 457

Interesting.... Where does this 33.6 kWh of energy figure come from? (Sorry but high school chemistry was about 18 years ago for me and I haven't used it since) If it's true it provides a real easy way of comparing the efficiency of gasoline cars to electric vehicles. Just use miles per kilo Watt Hour for both.

Comment Re:cash4cronies (Score 1) 434

Who in their right mind believes building a web app for $18 mil is a good price?

I agree. I read the article only because I was curious what kind of system you get for that money but sadly the article was lacking in details. However 18 million is not just for 'building a web app' it appears to be the budget for the project through to 2014.


Novell Ponders "Open-Source Apps Store" 183

Barence writes "Novell plans to bring the wealth of open-source software to everyday users through an 'open-source apps store.' 'I would compare what's happening on netbooks with what's happening to the smartphone,' Holger Dyroff, vice president of business development at Novell told PC Pro. 'There's a core experience, but then the ability to customise that experience. On the user end, all they'll see is an open-source applications store with one-click downloads of new software. Unlike the other stores though, they won't have to pay for any of those applications, which will be very attractive.'"

Comment Re: programming is definitely visual (Score 1) 233

Simplifying code is also a good way to overcome 'writers block' In any large project there will always be a problem that has me stumped for a while...when this happens I like to go back over code I have already written and see if I can simplify it, and add comments that make it understandable to non programmers.

Comment Re:antialiased! (Score 1) 327

I never understood things like the zoom feature being the way they are. The only thing I can think of is that maybe they are trying to avoid a patent war with respect to the GUI controls.

What's wrong with the zoom feature?

On the tool bar it looks like a magnifying glass. . . which is a fairly standard icon across multiple applications.

In the Main menu it is View ->Zoom..

Or simply hold the control button and scroll the mouse wheel, same as autocad, firefox, and probably a dozen other apps

Comment Re:Brings me back (Score 4, Informative) 361

BTW I still stand behind the principle that having IE with Windows is not anti-competative. If that were the case then Red Hat, Apple OS, and others would be anti-competitive. . .car companies are anti-competative because they come bundled with radios,

You can remove and replace the stock radio from your car and it wont break the car. The problem with IE wasn't just that it was available for free but you could not remove it.

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