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Comment Re:Gates (Score 1) 839

Except that consumption tax is usually designed to hit the poorest the hardest, and have little to no impact on the wealthiest. For example, sales tax is capped on cars in some states, others exclude yachts from sales tax, while many tax milk and bread. So someone who spends 50% of their hourly take home on food gets taxed on 50% of their income, but someone else who only spends 0.05% on food only gets taxed on that 0.05% of their income as many luxury items are excluded from consumption taxes.

Comment Re:NO (Score 3, Interesting) 463

Oh fer crying out loud. What do you want, Obama personally doing body cavity searches at the border? If he did that people like you (or others) would be screaming about an "irresponsible Administration" destroying businesses or trampling on your rights or whatever.

You CAN'T quarantine this. Those people are coming through Amsterdam or Frankfurt or Paris or London. Are you going to close all the borders?

Comment Re:No mention on capacity though (Score 1) 395

Or bump the voltage in the cable up. If you charge at 4KV instead of 400V, you keep the current the same. Then you step down the voltage in the charger. It keeps the size of the cable the same.

It can be done. It's done every day, with 120VAC chargers being used to charge 12VDC batteries, just on a much, much bigger scale.

Comment Re:"Talented C students" (Score 1) 389

The problem with "bright" and "bored" is that in the real world, you have to do a lot of "bored" to get stuff done. If all you want is "bright" then you're pretty much a primma donna who will sluff off the boring work to the detriment of the team. Better start that company and make millions being "bright" and avoiding the "bored".

Comment Re:College admissions is not a life-value system (Score 5, Interesting) 389

Having worked my entire working life with both white and blue collar workers, I can tell you that after 20 years or so of manual labor, those men (and increasingly women) suffer from carpal tunnel, bad backs, and all sorts of chronic injuries. A not-insignificant percentage are on disability, unable to hold down any job.

This is not because they're lazy or faking it.

Manual labor is hard, and after many years their bodies break down. And chronic injuries don't go away when you retire.

So yes, you can make a lot of money initially, but there's a price to pay.

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