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Comment Re:20 Years (Score 1) 382

You can ignore the 18K Android platforms, almost all of them are disposal and every year about half of them become too small of a fraction to be relevant to most businesses.

Google's problem is they gave Android OEMs enough rope to hang everyone.

Comment Re:Plant? (Score 1) 382

I was just dealing with a large medical client yesterday whose big name time tracking app requires v6 (v6!) of Java, while our own medical app requires v8

Pro business tip: Survey your potential customers before starting a project to gauge what the requirements are.

For example:

When was your infrastructure installed or last received a major system-wide upgrade?

A. earlier than 2006
B. 2006-2011
C. 2011-2014
D. later than 2014

(A=Java 5, B=Java 6, C=Java 7, D=Java 8) These are all rough guesses, not absolutes, but if you ask enough other questions and survey enough potential customers it makes a real difference when planning. It's good to know in advance if supporting some obscure requirement is worthwhile, sometimes the extra business you would get is not enough to justify the development costs. (it would have to be a very tiny amount of business or a very high costs for that to really happen, but a programmer can dream can't he?)

A few well pointed questions can help you get a sense of what software requirements are customer is going to have.

If you aren't coding against requirements, what do you code against?

Comment Re:A Computer (Score 1) 443

I used to write Pascal, qbasic, x86 asm, and C in study hall with a pen and paper instead of studying. Then type it in when I got home. It was good practice, my goal was usually to not have a lot of compiler errors so I could see the results of my program right away. Usually the graphics stuff is what tripped me up and needed a lot more debugging on a live machine, but getting the boiler plate and basic structure done in study hall was a good motivator.

Comment How to count change would be #1 (Score 1) 302

HS students need to learn how to count change, I'm pretty sick of them being flummoxed whenever the cash register isn't working correctly.

Being able to operate the digital controls on a fryer is probably a good foundation for a long career as well.

(but seriously, if you want to be an Engineer, and not everyone should, get it in your head that you don't quit buying textbooks and going to class the moment you graduate college)

Comment It's a myth (Score 1) 618

The idea that the Internet couldn't support itself with ads is a big lie. Would the Internet change if we all blocked ads, yes. Would the Internet go away, no. It was here, shuffling packets for scientists and engineers long before Google and Yahoo showed up. Can useful services be sustained free of charge without ads? Wikipedia is the biggest example of that, but there are other examples.

Comment Re:I hated LORD (Score 1) 63

My favorite BBS closed when the SysOp hired hitmen (undercover cops) to kill a rival SysOp that started dating his ex-gf. After he got out of prison he started his BBS back up as a primarily pornographic place. Originally it was a multiline BBS with chat and internet gateways, so a big loss in my opinion.

I wish I could remember enough to Google the story. It was in West Michigan and the rival went by the CountZero. This was the 1990s, so not a lot of the local news articles are online.

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