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Comment Re:How shit like this starts (Score 1) 480

I think it's clear what I thought of my boss at the time. What you overlook, however, is that you did not always have the luxury of being picky about who your boss was. I mention that now so you understand that despite where you are at now at life, you have younglings that would benefit from your support right now.

Comment Re:We need better legislation (Score 1) 102

China is very like to have a more balanced response. The US is likely to go OMG drone hit Tower - declare a war on eveything and divert squidzillions to the war effort!

Oh quit exaggerating. All Americans want to do is whip out our guns and fire up in the air at any drone without considering the consequences of doing so. Much more reasonable.

Comment Re:3D stereoscopy + 360 != VR (Score 1) 23

Honestly I'm unaware of stereo panoramic shots done back in the day... which I'm assuming is sometime in the 90's when products for this purpose started appearing on the market. I didn't see an actual stereo viewer until this year. (Although the place I worked at did experimental stuff.)

I know that video shot these days would involve multiple pairs of cameras, stitched together with stereo in mind. The app that does the stitching, however, needs to be aware that the footage is stereo, otherwise it'll try to 'correct' the seams, not realizing that sometimes it shouldn't.

Comment How shit like this starts (Score 4, Insightful) 480

I would wager that what happened was some executive who thinks he or she is too high and mighty to do something like... notify anybody AT ALL that they're bringing important people through... decided to talk up how professional and awesome their employees are and then bring them through, only to catch the overweight bearded guy wearing sandals in the middle of eating a messy burger. Of course the problem is that the guy was wearing sandals!

I've witnessed this multiple times. One executive told me about how he never knows in advance when investors are coming through. I asked if they just walk up and down our street and randomly poke their head into our place. The answer to that question was a suggestion that I should update my resume.

Comment Re:3D stereoscopy + 360 != VR (Score 1) 23

Turn your head to the right 90 degrees. You now have 2 videos feeds, one from where your left ear is, and one from where your right ear is.

Again, this is untrue, and I don't know where you're getting this information from. You can generate left-eye/right-eye spherical views that are stereo in *any* direction. This has been done both in CG and with live-video, and does not require interpolation... just more cameras. This is not interpolation, either.

There are two limitations. The first is that between the two cameras there are areas that one camera can see and the other cannot, this creates a region of occlusion. This creates a bubble around the camera, virtual or real, that won't be viewed properly. The minimum size of that bubble is determined by the separation of the cameras, anything passing into it will get cut off or distorted.

The second is that the stereo effect doesn't work past the poles because now you're looking at video intended for viewing from the opposite orientation. There is no known solution for this.

This is not theory, these sorts of videos are already out in the wild.

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