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Comment Re:Optical density, schmoptical schmensity! (Score 1) 182

of course we'll see more iterations of optical media formats and sizes.
regrdless if we've had DVD, HD-DVD, blu-ray or any other combination of formats, my point stands, in the time I've been on the internet, we see nearly an article, per year outlining some outlandishly huge optical density which will revoloutionise the future of optical media storage.

Yet the reality is, besides the original CD (over FDD and HDD at the time) *ALL* the iterations have been on a very normal size curve, no mind boggingly large formats have ever been introduced. Even the 'huge' bluray format, wasn't that impressive at the time of launch (We had DL DVD's at 9gb in 1995, 11 years later, they went from 9gb to 50gb - nothing particularly exciting)

Comment They can't be serious? (Score 1) 245

I'm one of the few who actually likes Terminator 3 and somehow, god knows how he was for the most part - pretty damn convincing in the movie. He really didn't appear old in the movie, definitely pulled it off but T3 itself was a decade ago. I saw him in Expendables 2 and,... I mean yeah it was fun and stupid but he was starting to really really look his age. Even his line delivery seemed off.

Comment Re:It's a trap? (Score 2) 83

I'm going to have to second this guys post - some of the obscure stuff on demonoid was fucking incredible. I could not only find rare foreign films, in the correct (foreign) language but with subtitles AND 720p AND with good seeds.... and often......... and even older ones.

Seriously though, as a movie buff there were movies on demonoid, in good quality which where incredibly difficult to find anywhere, even legitimately. I do feel a bit bad about getting dodgy copies, I really do but damn it was useful for hard to find stuff, nothing has even come close since.

Comment I don't mean to be a cynical bastard but (Score 1) 115

Great of Valve to release Steam for linux and to port their games - but bloody surprising all the Steam engine, Valve made games weren't ALL read at the actual time of launch of the product. I'm sure it's not a 5 minute task to port their engine - but once they did so, one would've thought the other products would be, somewhat trivial.

Good work but not a flying start for what some speculate may be Valves long term future.

Comment Equal rights for all! (Score 1) 832

Give both of them NO goddamn paid leave.
If you can't afford children - don't have them. Why do I need to subsidise your breeding?

I work in gov and the amount of days off I see people take because of sick children "compassionate leave" or maternity / paternity leave - it's just mind boggling. So I pay more tax, don't get bonus's while people busting out children left right and centre are being spoon fed my money.

Nope, you breed it, you pay for it.

Comment Not worth it for a single ATI 7970? (Score 1) 239

I was considering one of these on a PC, the special circumstance though, my own PC in the office at work, just stealing their electricity.

Yes I know, it's bad, I'm evil - understood, it's the wrong thing to do - however, beyond that, if I'm not paying electicity and I got a full PC with 7970 for say 350$ in total, I was hoping to pay the thing off within 3 or 4 months. Not viable?
(Would be using a 3G/4G card for networking in low bandwidth mode, so not compromising the work network either)

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