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Flash Is Not a Right 850

medcalf notes that game designer Ian Bogost enters the debate about Flash by saying "[A] large number of developers seem to think that they have the right to make software for the iPhone (or for anything else) in Flash, or in another high-level environment of their choosing. Literally, the right, not just the convenience or the opportunity. And many of them are quite churlish about the matter. This strikes me as a very strange sort of attitude to adopt. There's no question that Flash is useful and popular, and it has a large and committed user base. There's also no question that it's often convenient to be able to program for different platforms using environments one already knows. And likewise, there's a long history of creating OS stubs or wrappers or other sorts of gizmos to make it possible to run code 'alien' to a platform in a fashion that makes it feel more native. But what does it say about the state of programming practice writ large when so many developers believe that their 'rights' are trampled because they cannot write programs for a particular device in a particular language? Or that their 'freedom' as creators is squelched for the same reason?"

Blizzard Authenticators May Become Mandatory 248

An anonymous reader writes " is reporting that a trusted source has informed them that Blizzard is giving serious consideration to making authenticators mandatory on all World of Warcraft accounts. The authenticators function the same as ones provided by most banks — in order to log in, you must generate a number on the external device. Blizzard already provides a free iPhone app that functions as an authenticator. The source stated, 'it is a virtually forgone conclusion that it will happen.' This comes after large spates of compromised accounts left Bizzard game masters severely backlogged by restoration requests."

Comment Re:Apple and the UK (Score 1) 127

Is it me or do Apple get in trouble in the UK a lot? I think there's about 4 Apple adverts that have been deemed false advertising by ASA, and now this? Have they really not bothered to hire any UK lawyers?

Would you though? Game Theory would suggest (to me anyway) that any loss possible in the UK is nothing compared to the possible losses in the US. I'd hire nothing but US lawyers too.

Illegal conditions in your EULA in the UK? get your knuckles rapped and correct it - end of story.
Sell a product in the US? prepare for endless lawsuits varying in their stupidity.

Comment Re:Vodka (Score 1) 770

Regardless (and this applies to any OS btw), if you can't easily navigate to and change the screen preferences from the lowest support screen resolution then you've screwed up when you designed the damned thing.

Comment Re:Bad subject, this is a GOOD thing... (Score 1) 304

  1. Are there not areas in the US where there really is almost no choice in your provider?
  2. I'm wondering what the correlation is (if any) between people's technical knowledge and willingness to change providers. If you're that willing to insist your machine is fine maybe you aren't the likely person to be the target of their attention because you do actually know what you're doing (hence insisting the machine is fine).

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