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Comment Re:"They" is us (Score 1) 339

We may have to disagree on that one. It tends to be the conspicuous consumers that get hit first. The 30% isn't usually comfortable enough to consume too conspicuously.

I'm not saying that anyone would have a walk in the park during an uprising (not even those with the picthforks). But note that I was primarily calling out yet another temporarily embarrassed millionaire in his own mind.

Comment Re:Weather is unpredictable (Score 4, Insightful) 397

There's also the brain dead employers that are just sure their dollar store will be swamped with customers because they have a sale of pool floaties scheduled and so all employees are to report on time or be fired. Naturally, they don't report themselves, they plan to phone it in.

A ban protects all of those people from artificially adverse consequences of behaving reasonably.

Comment Re:"They" is us (Score 1) 339

I never said it's a great thing for the peasants when it gets to that point. I said that when things get to that point, for better opr worse, the pitchforks come out.

But note that the Wikipedia list isn't the whole story. Sometimes the revolt isn't so much defeated as it is placated after it gets going. Sometimes, the well off align with the poor against the wealthy (for example, the American Revolution)

Comment Re:"They" is us (Score 1) 339

I see you fell for the propaganda. You accepted a bogus definition of "Middle Class". If you need a paycheck to pay your bills, you are working class.

While many here are in a working class job that pays well, it is still working class.

There is nothing wrong with working class, but why would you align your politics to support those who could just stop doing anything right now and still never worry about income at the expense of yourself and your peers?

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