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Comment Re:No music or art lessons for you! (Score 1) 51

An opposite point of view (mine):
I have zero artistic talent. I've tried for decades, music, writing, painting. I am terrible at all of them. I have a lot of ideas for things I'd like to hear or see, so this sort of program will help me realize these dreams.

Comment So, a question on "executive orders" (Score 2) 117

What's the limit on these things? Could Biden (or any elected US president for that matter) just declare law with one? Could he, for example, order the treasury to release fund to Ukraine, or halt production of ICE cars? I'm fuzzy on the actual limits (I suppose they could be overturned in courts...but again, I"m not certain, hence why I am asking)

Comment Re:Yes but... (Score 1) 135

FWIW, while we disagree from time to time, I hardly think you are a sad loner. But as to your comment about having nothing to hide, please remember the line from Torquemada, "Give me 12 lines written by the most honest of men, and I shall find something (within) to hang them."
Just because you think you have nothing worth knowing (or hiding) doesn't mean others feel the same way about your words.

Comment Oh Boy! (Score 2) 100

Yet *another* Linux distro! I can't wait to try it after I've tried all the other (checks DistroWatch...) 100+ distros that are out there that need my time and attention.

Seriously gang, there are so many distros out there that aim to be "lightweight" and "designed for older computers" but let's be honest with ourselves shall we? How many core 2 duo systems are still in *active* use out there? There is a shelf life on old hardware and I suspect much is already in landfills.

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
