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Journal Journal: PSA...The More You Know!

No John "Amnesty" McCain!


I, state your name, do solemnly pledge that I will NEVER vote for John McCain. He is a deceiver masquerading as a "principled" conservative. His consistent readiness to "reach across the aisle" to the Democrats is because he's more comfortable on the Left...

McCain has sided with the Left on most key issues: His immigration position is further left than many Liberals. He joined with Ted Kennedy to sponsor an amnesty bill for illegal aliens. He voted to give social security dollars to illegal aliens. His Hispanic Outreach Director, Juan Hernandez, is a former Mexican government official who holds dual American-Mexican citizenship. Hernandez is widely known for his "Mexico First" declarations.

McCain opposed a federal gay-marriage ban in 2005. He has flip-flopped several times on abortion, and is a strong advocate of federally funding research on aborted fetuses. In the San Francisco Chronicle (8/20/99) McCain sided with pro-abortionist, suggesting that overturning Roe v. Wade would lead to illegal abortions.

On campaign-finance reform, the McCain-Feingold Campaign Reform Act was one of the more left-wing acts of Congress in the past twenty years. The act, which placed blatant restrictions on political speech, passed with overwhelming Democrat support.

On religion, McCain has been no lover of Christians. In 2000, he called key religious leaders "agents of intolerance." Later he defended his vilification of Christians when he said, "I must not and will not retract anything that I said in that speech." McCain added that his statement was "carefully crafted, it was carefully thought out."

McCain voted in favor affirmative action and a bill setting up quotas for women and minorities and joined with the Left on some gun control issues.

In 1992, McCain joined with his leftist democrat friend Sen. John Kerry to sell out the American servicemen known to have been alive in hands of the communist Vietnamese during the Vietnam War (they were never returned or accounted for) by providing political cover for President Bill Clinton to normalized trade and diplomatic relations with Vietnam.

In 2001, McCain considered abandoning the Republican Party to join the democrats. In 2004, he attacked the Swift Boat Vets, claiming their criticism
of presidential candidate John Kerry was "dishonest and dishonorable." That same year, McCain considered an offer to join Kerry as his Vice President nominee.

By signing this pledge I, do hereby, refuse to buy into the ridiculous argument that conservatives must unite behind the liberal McCain to keep liberals out of the White House .
Lest we forget the Gang of 14!


Journal Journal: Preach It Rush...He Still Hasn't Addressed This Shit Yet!

I want to hear from Senator McCain as a Republican primary voter his manmade global warming thoughts, his record, and what he intends to do to fix manmade global warming. I want to hear from Senator McCain on his opposition to tax cuts. I want to hear the domestic side, and I would hope that he would speak loudly and openly and honestly about his domestic record, not spin it, certainly not deny it, but give Republican voters in Florida some straight talk on the record. He can surround himself with the Schwarzkopf and the generals and so forth and the POW stuff, which we all admire and respect. But, you know, you owe it to the electorate to start talking honestly and openly about your complete public record rather than cherry-picking what you want to say to different audiences in different places. Talk about how proud you are of your service in the Senate, leading the Gang of 14, campaign finance reform, voting against two major tax cuts. Those tax cuts would help millions of businesses and employees, spurt economic growth. I would like to hear of your proud alliance with Ted Kennedy, John Edwards, Senator Lieberman on global warming, and others. I'm a Republican primary voter. I would like to hear some straight talk on those issues. Will I? "Don't count on it, Limbaugh." As a voter, I can only ask. Well, I can only mention what it is that I would like to hear.


Journal Journal: Like Mana From Heaven 2

Re:You now have 0 credibility, posted to Understanding Obama: The Making Of A Fuehrer, has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Troll (0).

User Journal

Journal Journal: Nintendo Announces DSi and Wii storage solution

Earlier this morning, Nintendo made several major announcements in a press conference in Japan. Ranging from a new Nintendo DS to a Wii storage solution. Nintendo's first announcement was a brand-new handheld in the Nintendo DS line of consoles. This revision of the DS brand will be a significant break from the previous DS Lite console. It will be named "Nintendo DSi". (Nintendo DS-Eye, get it?) Nintendo also announced a solution to the Wii storage problem. Unfortunately, it sounds like players will be able to download to their SD Card, but not actually play games directly from the card.

Firehose Link:

(Still trying to figure out if the firehose does anything.)

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