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Comment Re:OR (Score 1) 579

Everyone knows not to run over pedestrians. It doesn't matter if they walk when it says not to or if they cross where there is not a crosswalk or almost any reason at all. If there is any way possible to avoid hitting them then you don't hit them otherwise you are to blame. The same for people on bicycles. I always watch out for them because for some reason they are suicidal. It's gotten to the point I'll putt along behind them until I get a lane clear to pass. Nothing like doing 15 in a 55 zone.

Comment Re:Farmers also not sure of the whole sun centered (Score 1) 567

A hundred thousand years of ice core samples? Don't scientists claim the earth is over 2 billion years old? I don't doubt the earth is getting warmer and undoubtably man has contributed to that warming. How much contribution may be debatable but what is not debatable is that the earth has been far hotter than it is now. The problem is that we have a group of people who have made up their minds that humanity is destroying the world's climate and that this must be stopped at all costs and they are willing to go to any length whatsoever to further their aims. There is another group that is more afraid of these people than they are of the average global temperature climbing another 10 degrees farenheit in the next century. The first threat is here now and drastic while the second threat is mostly in the future and gradual. The strident howling and shrieking of the climate change gurus is more feared by many than climate change itself.

Comment Re:Weather is NOT climate (Score 2) 567

I wouldn't sweat it too much. Given the insanity of world governments (and their citizens) and the continued proliferation of nuclear arms I forsee an intense cooling period coming. A nuclear winter preceded by a drastic population reduction. That should solve the problem of global warming nicely. So quit worrying so much.

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