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Comment Re:The UBER's check-list to be a transport company (Score 2) 193

What can you do with UBER, as a user? You may request a cab and pay for the ride. What about a driver? You get ride requests, payments for the rides and incentives to buy your own car. The final service: take passenger from point A to point B.

As a user, you can't request a taxi; taxi's are run, at least in France, by a monopoly; you can request a driver with a car, and pay for the ride.

As a DRIVER, you can request a car and pay for a ride as well.

Isn't this exactly what the "cab unions" have been doing for decades with voucher systems and a telephone central?

No. Uber also adds "actually showing up" because of their ratings system, and "not obstructing traffic every time the Uber contractors decide to get pissy about something". Both of these are substantial benefits that taxis don't have.

Comment Re:Taxi company (Score 2) 193

Sounds like it is not a taxi company if you can take away their taxis (cars) away and they can do something else.

How it that different from any other taxi company?

Uber doesn't own the cars, and the taxi company owns the cars. Since, you know, they could dispatch people with mules instead of people with cars; are they now a drayage company, as well?

Comment Re:How real poacher-killing goes: (Score 1) 176

We were on a Mountain Gorilla trek, and after a few hours of hiking our guide pointed out, with the note, "don't be afraid" - a guy in green way up in a tree with an assault rifle.

They're basically campers.

They were camping the Mountain Gorilla respawn point?

If they're just going to respawn, then it's not really killing, is it?

Comment If you want a certification, buy one. (Score 1) 213

If you want a certification, buy one.

There are plenty of people who will, for $100, take the certification tests for you. The certifying "authorities" never ask for a state issued picture ID to prove you are who you say you are -- and in fact, most modern certification testing and issuing happens online. You can pretty much get a certification in nearly everything.

Even in the case of a them checking IDs, you can have the test taker be a person who "perpetually fails at these tests", and swap test sheets/booklets with them by way of writing down each others names on the materials in question, after getting in to take the test under their own name. That's how people fake the LCAT and MCAT tests to get higher scores so they can get into Ivy League colleges.

You can pretty much have as many certifications as you want.

Comment Wanting to be a good singer... (Score 1) 213

Thing is, for every success story like yours, there's plenty of technically inclined people who at best make it to a help desk position.

Wanting to be a good singer... being "musically inclined... doesn't mean that you aren't tone deaf, and couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.

There's a heck of a lot of difference between being "technically inclined" and actually having technical ability.

Comment Re:Statistics need verifying (Score 1) 212

when Microsoft, the company complaining about the worker shortage, fired 6,000 people

To be perfectly fair, they were mostly Finnish...

What Microsoft really wants is more choice without paying for choice. They have a picky hiring process and want what they want. They don't care about society issues or trade-imbalances, that's somebody's else' problem. They just want cheap young choice, and lobby heavily for it.

The correct code word for "younger workers" this week is "digital native". Last week it was "recent graduate". We have "whippersnapper" penciled in for next Tuesday.

Comment You had me with you until you said Social Security (Score 1) 305

You had me with you until you said Social Security.

You are aware that every penny put into the Social Security Trust fund is immediately "borrowed" back into the general fund via bond purchases, right?

Also: H1B workers pay into Social Security already, with no chance of ever seeing that money themselves (not like any of us will ever see it, either).

Comment Re:Holy shit, this is some wank. (Score 2) 165

Or every so often a Senator Obama comes along, wins, and then we end up with President Obama, a far cry from what we were sold,

[...]He tried to shut down Guantanamo[...]

He issued the executive order.

Which he then rescinded.

As commander in chief, he could have, in fact, just ordered the troops out, period.

Guantanamo is politically useful for its extraterritoriality. Even to Obama, who has ordered the execution of U.S. citizens, without trial, via drone strike, in Afghanistan.

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