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Comment Re:What kind of pool boy did they have? (Score 1) 180

Because in Latin America, it is very common to hire somebody that seems to be totally qualified for something, and then it turns out they really did not know their stuff that well. I also think the Olympic Committee should have a way to make a country lose the right to host, if things are not ready like 2 months before or something. So that when a host is selected, a backup host with a country that has most of the stuff ready can be selected. That would be a way more effective way to pressure a host to get their act together.

As for the police with automatic rifles, well, when you have criminal gangs hanging around with handguns that have extended magazines (and behave like uzis), grenades and other stuff, it is better to be armed to the teeth. Besides, in any country when there is a threat to security, be it France, China, etc what you will see out there is heavily armed police or military. I saw troops in the Charles de Gaulle airport and other parts of Paris with FAMAS rifles everywhere.

Comment Re:Chemical feeders? (Score 1) 180

Or things like specialized machinery is so overpriced, hard to find parts, and expensive in Latin America that it is cheaper to pay somebody to do the job. The other part of the problem is that you will have a very hard time finding those seasoned professionals, even if you are willing to pay whatever they ask. Those "seasoned professionals" more often than not turn out to be not so professional after all. More likely you will have to hire somebody somewhat responsible and just train them.

The whole friends and family thing applies more to government, and the same deficiencies I see over here, I was able to see in the DMV offices in the US or places like the library of Congress, where internal infighting was very similar that what you would find at any public office here.

The only "cultural problem" I see is with people that think that their shit does not stink, or keep repeating phrases like "first world problems", as if they were Donald Trump or something. Just because you grew up in a fancy neighborhood/country does not give you the right to piss on everybody else like a spoiled teenager.

Comment Re: pop (Score 1) 674

Facebook is extremely high traffic and even them do not resort to C++. C++ sucks for string processing, which is what web development pretty much is, which is why Perl gained so much popularity in the early days of the cgi-bin

Sure, C++ is a way to solve the problem, but in the days of AWS, having to do something like that is a waste of money.

Comment Useless (Score 4, Insightful) 109

What a bunch of nonsense. The US has by far the most developed ecosystem for tech startups, the source of real innovation, not fossils like Cisco. That there is no "digital act" in place does not mean the US is falling behind anything. I gather that was targeted for the UK to catch nationalist non-sense, but those people tend to forget who is the country that created the internet in the first place, where Google, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft are based and in general, where most of the new cool stuff keeps getting created, from Uber to Tesla. So good luck with that envy.

Comment Re:Just works? (Score 2) 484

For one, typing in the small screens is awful. Second, most of those models come with pretty bad touchscreens, both for display and for the touchscreen component (meaning non-capacitive). And the camera is mostly there to say that you have a camera, because those will take you back to the dark ages of digital cameras. So there are some trade-offs that are justified only when you see it in the money saving context.

Comment Re:The same as ever: Android (Score 1) 484

Totally agree and that creeps all the way down to app development. I have to see it everyday since we have a workflow for both Android and iOS, and the whole app submission process to Apple, is impressive as far as leaving crap out of the system. They will even reject your app if your forms are badly designed. It kind of reminded me of the legendary Nintendo quality control procedures for third-parties. There is nothing similar in the smartphone world, so I would say actually that the technology stack is way better on iOS than on Android, with its horrible memory consumption.

Besides we are talking about Objective-C vs Java here, and Apple has managed to make a C based language pretty fast to write code with and without too many memory issues that are so familiar in the C world. I consider Swift a regression in that regard, but hey, it seems everything in the programming world will turn to some form of javascript based language.

Comment Re:Xfce 5 should be based on Qt. (Score 5, Insightful) 91

You must work for Digia or something. If by portability you mean how well the interface looks, that is a moot point. Nobody would question that Java code was portable, and yet Java programs looked and behaved different (different dialogs, etc) than native software.

On the other hand, you fail to mention why Gtk+ is so bad in your eyes besides shiny graphics, which imho, in Linux land looks better than Qt. Why on earth would the Xfce guys care how well a Qt app looks on Windows or OSX? It is a desktop environment for X11/Wayland for christ's sake.

But in any case a post from an anonymous coward, who probably have never used either toolkit, and maybe is not even a programmer. When you have to work with this stuff, in the end you realize that it is mostly about what was best for the team at the time they started the project (availabe skillset, docs, etc) and at this point both frameworks are the best the open source world has to offer. If you don't enjoy diversity you can go back to Win32, lol.

Comment Re:There's fragmentation on iOS too... (Score 1) 136

Silly media directives? In what planet can you build responsive web sites with those? Last time I checked Bootstrap, Foundation and PureCSS were still using those. I have no idea what you are complaining about. Besides the discussion was about app development, it's like complaining that I cannot use direct database access in HTML5 or something.

Comment Re:Follow the money (Score 1) 136

I figure you haven't been out much. Google Wallet or not, the fact is that the number of countries where you can pay through Google Play is limited. And let's not even talk about China where Google Play itself is blocked, so the way you purchase apps are through carrier's or manufacturer's app stores. Still, if I'm developing an app I would release both versions in either case, in the case of Android heavily targeting the app for the US market and ignoring the rest.

Comment Re:flush with cash (Score 1) 73

More like the wealthy Chinese are buying stuff overseas that is dirt cheap compared to the invetsments required to do stuff here. Plus no govt interference mostly. In most Chinese cities property prices are so ridiculously expensive that a lot of people are just buying Spanish villas, French vineyards, etc plus the old factories out there so they can export those products back to China with the so-desired foreign label that the Chinese consumer demands.

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