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Comment so? (Score 1) 250

When you are a rich bastard you can afford to have dozens of pairs of expensive jeans, washing them is the least of your worries.

People think this is funny because it's disgusting, no it's funny because it's like mitt romney saying he'll bet $10k in cash on a whim.

Comment Re:In other news: my iPhone keeps tigers away (Score 1) 168

You might want to re-calibrate your worldview. Talking about gamers smoking pot isn't "demonizing." Ooooh scary drug use.

I personally know a few people who have been busted for possession and it's going to be on their criminal record for the rest of their lives. Heck, even having a stoner friend accidentally leave a tiny "baggie" in your car can easily turn into an expensive legal nightmare if a cop notices it before you do. The "world view" may be different but here in the USA, there's still a war on drugs here and the law will happily fuck your life up without giving it a second thought.

You also just lumped those of us who enjoy marijuana in with murderers and rapists. Are you trolling, or just really sheltered?

You missed the entire "correlation does not imply causation" point behind that statement. By the way, I don't see any tigers here, so my iPhone must be working great!

Comment In other news: my iPhone keeps tigers away (Score 1, Insightful) 168

Could it be the case that playing video games are simply the most likely recreational activity a stoner is going to feel motivated enough to perform? Honestly, how many people get stoned and then go hiking, running, playing football or whatever?

It's bad enough that some people believe video games cause violent behavior, but now drug use too? Next we'll be demonizing food, since every murderer, stoner and rapist ate food regularly during their lives.

Comment What a stupid problem to have (Score 1) 483

Couldn't they just centrifuge death row convicts off this mortal coil? Supposedly, it's fun like a theme park ride, right up until you pass out and die from lack of blood flow to the brain. The only change they'd have to make to go from "fighter pilot training" to "execution" is to stay at maximum speed until the condemned is dead.


Four Weeks Without Soap Or Shampoo 250

An anonymous reader writes "A biotech start-up from Massachusetts has an unusual product: a bottle full of bacteria you're supposed to spray onto your face. The bacteria is Nitrosomonas eutropha, and it's generally harmless. Its main use is that it oxidizes ammonia, and the start-up's researchers suspect it used to commonly live on human skin before we began washing it away with soaps and other cleaners. Such bacteria are an area of heavy research in biology right now. Scientists know that the gut microbiome is important to proper digestion, and they're trying to figure out if an external microbiome can be similarly beneficial to skin. A journalist for the NY Times volunteered to test the product, which involved four straight weeks of no showers, no soap, no shampoo, and no deodorant. The sprayed-on bacteria quickly colonized her skin, along with other known types of bacteria — and hundreds of unknown (but apparently harmless) strains. She reported improvements to her skin and complexion, and described how the bacteria worked to curtail (but not eliminate) the body odor caused by not washing. At the end of the experiment, all of the N. eutropha vanished within three showers."

Comment Who really cares? (Score 1) 688

The students who excel at math will go on to become engineers, scientists, statisticians, etc. and the ones who sit in class all day drooling will get a job digging ditches. You want to see the average math scores go up? Let kids who hate math choose between a trade or college bound course schedule for highschool. God forbid parents actually admit their special little flower isn't college material.

I've often wondered why the public education system spends four years hammering this shit into people who have no interest in learning it. Replace it with one class explaining how you do math on an iPad, should the need arise and that's good enough. Sure, there's always the argument that if society goes to hell in a handbasket that there won't be iPads around to do math on, but let's be realistic - in a hypothetical post-apocalyptic zombie ravaged wasteland, basic survival skills will be more useful than being able to solve a quadratic equation in your head. Last I checked, they still don't teach marksmanship, water purification, shelter construction and gardening in public school, so they're clearly not worried about what would happen in a world where every computer suddenly disappeared.


Efforts To Turn Elephants Into Woolly Mammoths Are Already Underway 147

Jason Koebler writes: "Researchers are working to hybridize existing animals with extinct ones in order to create a '2.0' version of the animal. Using a genome editing technique known as CRISPR, Harvard synthetic biologist George Church has successfully migrated three genes, which gave the woolly mammoth its furry appearance, extra layer of fat, and cold-resistant blood, into the cells of Asian elephants, with the idea of eventually making a hybrid embryo. In theory, given what we know about both the woolly mammoth genome and the Asian elephant genome, the final product will be something that more closely resembles the former than the latter."

Why I'm Sending Back Google Glass 166

Lucas123 (935744) writes "After using Google Glass for several weeks, Computerworld columnist Matt Lake had plenty of reasons to explain why he returned them, not the least of which was that they made him cross-eyed and avoid eye contact. Google Glass batteries also drain like a bath tub when using either audio or video apps and they run warm. And, as cool as being able to take videos and photos with the glasses may be, those shots are always at an angle. Of course, being able to do turn-by-turn directions is cool, but not something you can do without your smart phone's cellular data or a mobile hotspot. The list of reasons goes on... Bottom line, if Google Glass is in the vanguard of a future class of wearable computers, the future isn't the present."

Comment Is this really a big problem? (Score 0) 319

Is the FBI really turning away applicants that, aside from being potheads, meet all the mental and physical requirements? Every pothead I've ever known could barely hold a job, wasn't in the best of shape and didn't think highly of law enforcement. Sure, that's just my anecdotal evidence, but it logically stands to reason that if you're successful and in decent physical condition, you probably prefer real world outdoor stimulus over getting high, sitting on dirty couch, playing Xbox and stuffing your face full of cheesy poofs.

Comment Bad camera work (Score 1) 403

Fuck plot, let's move the camera so much that the audience gets motion sickness!

Every Hollywood blockbuster is going to follow the same basic formula because that's what sells tickets. Rehashing The Hero's Journey isn't exactly new, either.

Disney didn't buy the rights to Star Wars so they could make a 3 hour space opera - they are making a Summer blockbuster to get a return on their investment. You can be sure that means a Hero's Journey based plot and lots of explosions. If you think that looks like shit, no one's forcing you to watch it. No one's taking away the multitude of indie movies where the characters swear at each other for two hours and everyone dies from AIDS at the end.

On the other hand, "shaky camera" needs to die and never come back. JJ Abrams and Michael Bay both should be locked in a room and forced to watch portrait video shot on an iPhone by a hyperactive 6-year-old until they learn the value of proper camera work.


FBI Need Potheads To Fight Cybercrime 319

An anonymous reader writes "The rate of cybercrime is growing and growing, and law enforcement is struggling to keep up. The FBI is in the process of beefing up its headcount, but they're running into a problem: many of the hackers applying for these jobs have a history of marijuana use, and the agency has a zero tolerance policy. FBI Director James Comey said, 'I have to hire a great work force to compete with those cyber criminals and some of those kids want to smoke weed on the way to the interview.' However, change may be on the horizon: Comey said the FBI is changing 'both our mindset and the way we do business.' He also encouraged job applications from former pot users despite the policy."

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