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Comment Re:For the same reason many American Conservatives (Score 1) 124

It is good to Serve God. But part of serving God is being generous enough with the Common Good so that all may, if not prosper, at least survive.

Neo Conservatives and libertarians in the United States don't give a whit about their neighbor surviving, they care only for their own profit.

Liberals don't even care about their own children surviving, and kill them outright.

Liberty has become so abused that it is no longer serving God, it's serving Satan.

Comment Re:If we don't find out before the next Republican (Score 2) 102

Interesting that you failed to understand what I meant by a power entirely. The difference between Grok and Mock vs Hudge and Grudge is that while Grok will bash your head in and Mock will kneecap you, Hudge will steal your wallet, Grudge will steal your wallet and your wife, then Hudge will come back and steal your wallet, your wife, and your daughter, then Grudge will come back for your wallet, your wife, your daughter, your son, and your cows.

They just keep getting worse and worse, and we're not at the bottom yet.

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