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Comment Re:Obama the Conservative, pt 497 (Score 1) 18

Wrong. With a few notable exceptions, there is very, very little I am willing to use government force to do. Technically I am a conservative, but I have a libertarian streak 10 miles wide. (And no, I am not a supported of Ron Paul.).

The left / right scale for politics should be relabeled as "Statist" (Left) vs. "Individualist" (Right). I am an Ayn Rand style individualist.

Comment Re:sci fi too, huh (Score 1) 30

To be fair, the Crusades were started as a response to a muslim invasion of Europe. The Holy Grail stuff was just what the nobles told the serfs to get them to go fight.

Furthermore -- Vlad the Impaler was actually a hero, as he successfully defended his corner on Europe from the muslim hordes. The whole impaling stuff was the beginning of psychological warfare -- and it was VERY effective.

Comment Re:Obama the Conservative, pt 497 (Score 1) 18

Boris Yeltsin did not implement free market policies, he implemented the other side of the totalitarian coin -- fascism.

Under Yeltsin, the "free" market ended up being entirely owned by a Russian oligarchy -- conveniently loyal to Yeltsin and "the Party" just like the Italian economy under Benito Mussolini.

Plus, once he had switched the government to essentially a fascist one -- still a totalitarian one -- he resigned and gave the reins to another avowed communist and former KGB member -- Vladimir Putin. Ever hear of him?

Another question -- what do you think of the Daily Beast advocating that corporations sign loyalty oaths to Obama?

Does your feeble mind understand that is a play out of the Italian Fascist book?
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I'm going to open up a small restaurant that specializes in finger foods -- ham and cheese crackers, small BLTs, etc. with an extensive wine and liquor list.

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