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Comment Re:It's a search technology (Score 1) 43

Teh editors do not, in fact, suck. They merely assumed that you--a wiz-kid, tech-mag reader--would be smart enough to perform a simple evaluation before jumping into a topic. 1) Check title for prefixes. This one says "book review". 2) Do I know what Solr (or ) is? If yes, read article. Maybe post a comment. If no, see step 3 if still interested. 3) Google/wiki the technology until you are ready answer "yes" to step 2.

Comment OSHA may have a field day here (Score 4, Interesting) 202

Where was his harness and shock-cord? I have seen contractors get BIG whammies for letting workers "strap out", and this at only 35ft. This guy should have fallen about eight feet and suffered a cracked rib or two from the shock-cord snapping him a bit, but a fall to the death? At a NASA facility? That would require CCCPish levels of idiocy.

Comment Re:Definition of awesome (Score 0) 198

Who says ReiserFS is dead? I've never stopped using it from the minute it was merged into Linux. I have some large, 4+ year old ReiserFS SAN volumes that are loaded with files, healthy, fast, and have never left production. I use it exclusively on my desktops despite Gentoo's warnings about "little maintenance" going on. Who cares? If it works, it works. I'm sure there are plenty of others who feel the same.

Comment Some things change, some things don't (Score 0) 539

I stand by Vi. I still use E16 on all my desktops. I still use WM Dockapps. Hell, I still use BitchX, even. This will probably never change for me, as long as these tools still compile and run! I really miss hearing Linus' "pronunciation of Linux" sound-byte when setting up sound cards. However, I do NOT miss making boot floppies. I don't miss Linuxconf either, as it (in my eyes) started the trend towards huge, nasty config files. As for the "dumbing down" of Linux, I went the other way and started using things distros like Gentoo that keep the "old school" Linux feel..

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