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Comment Re:Transmission loss (Score 1) 299

It's not transmission losses. Turning fuel into electricity at large scale is 40% efficient. Turning electricity into heat with resistance heaters is 100% efficient. Turning fuel into heat at small scale is ~85% efficient with a regular furnace, ~95% efficient with a high-efficiency furnace. The big gain in using fuel for heat instead of electricity is avoiding the Carnot limit, not transmission losses.

Comment Re:Old Wives' Tales (Score 1) 299

"need to be installed at least a foot and a half off the ground"

For what purpose? That old wives' tale of putting a battery on the ground causing it to discharge or drain is absolute bullshit.

Cooling, most likely. Charging and discharging a battery results in heat; this battery is probably designed to take cool air in at the bottom and discharge warm air at the top.

Comment Re:A first step (Score 3, Insightful) 299

Actually, I think one of the biggest results of this will be to allow homes with solar energy to store ALL the energy they capture with their panels, instead of feeding that energy back into the grid. This will effectively neuter the arguments of power companies who say that grid feed-in is making the grid unstable, thus reducing the impetus for putting punitive fees on houses with solar panels.

Since Pacific Gas and Electric is actually subsidizing the batteries in the pilot program, which is for solar users, it would seem to demonstrate that the power companies aren't lying when they say grid feed-in is a problem.

Comment Re:Amazon has really been a stealth company (Score 1) 83

And that is because brick-and-mortar stores, by and large, suck. Do you go to a brick-and-mortar store, find exactly what you want, pay, and leave? Rarely. OK, so you don't see what you want and ask a salesperson. What do you get? A dumb look, often enough. Suppose you get the salesperson to understand and help... "Oh, we don't have that but we can order it for you if you come back in a week". Yeah. I could have done that myself, genius.

Even worse if the item you're looking for was advertised recently. Then it will be out of stock, and you'll have to choose between paying full price for the similar substitute, taking a raincheck (if the store offers such) and waiting, or giving up.

There are stores which don't have these problems; they're not the ones Amazon is eating the lunch of.

Comment Re:Wonderful. (Score 2) 255

You asked for a direct quote supporting a summary of her total position, which is unreasonable. She never comes out and says that there isn't any female character which could fit her standards; she merely has a whole set of objections which cover the universe of conceivable female characters.

Comment Re:Can someone explain to me why this is a thing? (Score 1) 255

I mean, I've no love for SJW-type whining identity politics (which is sadly what much of progressive politics has turned into), but what exactly are the stakes in the Gamergate debacle? Are gamers particularly worried that the industry is going to stop including sexy women and cliched plots to sell games? Because that's fucking stupid. The gaming industry will do that maybe 20 years after Hollywood stops.

Check out SJW-Thor or much of modern science fiction to see what sort of damage they can wreak in related media.

Gamergate is just one front in a very large cultural war. It's most distinguished by being the place the SJWs hit the most resistance. Comics have gone over. SF&F has gone over, except Baen and a few small publishers. Tech as a whole is fighting a losing battle of attrition. Linux is holding out, but probably only as long as Linus himself stays in it.

Comment Re:What a bizarre statement (Score 1) 255

What they mean by "targeted" is that they want Twitter (and everywhere else, actually) to be a public forum where anyone can hear them when they speak. But they want it to be a private space where they decide what can be said by whom when anyone wants to respond.

Upshot being they think they should be able to say any outrageous thing they want and no one should be able to respond unfavorably.

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