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Comment If I were running a Space Company.. (Score 1) 594

I would make sure that each person who is risking their life on flights makes a video stating that they acknowledge the risks involved and the reasons they choose to accept them. Also let them say that in the event of their death they want the technical problem investigated, fixed and for the program to continue. That would be the best ammunition against idiots like this.

Comment You think that is bad try donating to one! (Score 1) 468

I donated about $50 to Ron Paul when he was running in 2008. Campaign laws require that to be a public record so since then I've received about 1000 letters from various GOP candidates saying I'm a valuable supporter and asking for money. I typically hate every single one of their positions so I just mail back their prepaid envelope.

Comment Re:And nothing to be said about "non-profit" schoo (Score 1) 331

The issue is that education can be both an investment and a luxury. People spend lots of money learning to do all sorts of things as hobbies such as art, home brewing, photography, in which they have no desire to earn a living. This is fine. The problem involves debt. Debt can be a good financial strategy if you have calculated you will get a financial return. For instance getting a mortgage to buy a house could be a good investment if you compare it to renting but if rents are low and housing prices are high it might not be.

The same applies for going into debt for education. It may be a good thing if you calculate the alternatives. Spend 4 years working and building job skills vs spend 4 years not working and going into debt with the prospect of a higher income later, or some variant of the two. The worst choice is to go into debt while not learning anything that will help you get an income high enough to pay off the debt.

As for the argument that not everyone can be educated in those profitable fields I agree. It doesn't mean you can't learn what you like be it art, music, or philosophy. Those are fine and noble pursuits. But don't go into debt to do it. Get a regular job and instead of getting a degree just learn about it on your own or if you really want a degree take night classes or save up to pay for it.

Comment Re:On the shoulders of giants (Score 1) 81

The same is true of every human endeavor which is why the whole concept of IP is ridiculous. Innovation is always around the edges whether it is music, art, engineering, or science. People learn about what current technology and knowledge is and move the boundaries a bit. We have this hero worship culture that likes to put certain people on pedestals as if they were geniuses working in total isolation. But notice the majority of these advances come from people in advanced cultures?

Comment Difficult to compare (Score 1) 200

If you just want to put something around another planet it doesn't cost that much. If you are designing and building equipment that has never flown in space before it costs quite a bit more. And the whole scientific reason for going in the first place is to collect data. And it's not just the number of instruments or what they are measuring but how good are they? Just like benchtop equipment as you want more precision in your equipment prices escalate rapidly.

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