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Comment Who is Veracode and what are they trying to sell? (Score 2) 126

Leaping to faulty conclusions from spotty data is basically my day job, but it seems these people take it to a new level.

30% of breaches will be from SQL injections, because that's the percent they found to be vulnerable?

A certain type of attack will increase because they googled some shit?

What the actual fuck is this?

Comment Re:Maybe not daylight readable... (Score 1) 591

I still don't get the mirror display thing - are they cheaper or something? I don't believe that anyone would actually decide that "yes! the one where what you see is a) your face and, distant-second, b) whatever you're trying to work on, is the way to go!"

Am I missing something? The only matte displays I can find anymore are Lenovo T-series and a few specific Dells. It's just weird.

Comment Re:A forward-looking, positive view (Score 1) 150

Heh, that's interesting - one of my favorite things about The Culture is that Banks isn't given to aggrandizing "the human spirit" or any other such malarkey.

Without daily worries, the vast majority of Culture citizens dedicate their lives to finding new and interesting ways to get high and stimulate their genitals. It's a very, very few that have exotic adventures, which is actually pretty hard to get into, since you either have to be invited to SC or convince a Mind to take you along.

I just finished Excession a few weeks ago and, for example, the picture it paints of Phage Rock "high society" sounds very far from the ultimate expression of human potential.

Comment Re:That's a hell of a mutation (Score 2) 63

You're not getting it. It's likely that the 5 copies were characteristic of the cancer cells when she died - as the parent said, cancer cells are all sorts of fucked up.

That's entirely besides the point, though. These cell lines are not used as a model of cancer they're used as a model of human cells. Those working with them understand the limitations of the model (most of the time, at least); it's well known that cell lines are not the same thing as cells in a live organism, no one was assuming otherwise.

There is no new information here. This is a little like looking at humans and mice, noticing that they are different, and announcing that this "Invalidates all research done on mice!"

Please don't assume that all researchers are idiots all of the time.

Comment Re:Here we go again (Score 5, Insightful) 386

Oh, calm down. All this means is that you have to export your stuff, and import into a different, nearly identical service.

What do you want them to do, anyway? Swear a blood-oath that once they start up a service, they will continue with it forever?

If they don't think it makes sense to commit the resources to maintain it, then it's certainly not going to make sense to maintain a paid version - not everything is about revenue.

You act like this is some kind of galling defect in Google's collective moral fibre - some things don't stick, it happens.

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