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Submission + - CERN experiments observe particle consistent with long-sought Higgs boson (web.cern.ch)

An anonymous reader writes: A new particle has been found, thought to be consistent with the Higgs boson. More data will be analysed in the coming months to verify is this is indeed the particle that, in a field, is able to give other particles their mass.

"The results are preliminary but the 5 sigma signal at around 125 GeV we’re seeing is dramatic. This is indeed a new particle. We know it must be a boson and it’s the heaviest boson ever found,” said CMS experiment spokesperson Joe Incandela. “The implications are very significant and it is precisely for this reason that we must be extremely diligent in all of our studies and cross-checks." -CERN

Submission + - LHC claims new particle discovery (bbc.co.uk)

diewlasing writes: Cern scientists reporting at conferences in the UK and Geneva claim the discovery of a new particle consistent with the Higgs boson.

The particle has been the subject of a 45-year hunt to explain how matter attains its mass.

Both of the two Higgs-hunting experiments at the Large Hadron Collider have reached a level of certainty worthy of a "discovery".

More work will be needed to be certain that what they see is a Higgs, however.

The CMS team claimed they had seen a "bump" in their data corresponding to a particle weighing in at 125.3 gigaelectronvolts (GeV) — about 133 times heavier than the proton at the heart of every atom.

Comment 15-20$ is not cheap (Score 1) 448

Cheap headphones cost around 5-10$(tops).
The quality ones (Creative EP-630, Soundmagic etc.,) start from $15, and offer brilliant sound quality for use with entry level mp3 players.
However, if you have a cutting edge high end system, or a very high end sound card, and listen to flac or other uncompressed formats, a 30-50$ in ear will make quite a difference.
If you travel the subway, spend $50 to buy a noise cancellation (active), it will be worth it.

That said, from 50$ onwards, sound quality increase is incremental. A 80$ headphone will have the sound quality of 250$ headphones for 99.9% of the listeners.
However, most people, even ones with ruined years from years of high volume listening, can easily tell between a 10$ and a 30$ in-ear headphone.

Then a lot depends on music too. If you are a metal/rock kind of "bright" music guy, you will find quality from 15$ onwards. If you are a opera kind of guy, come to $30. If you have sensitive ears, $50, if you have the hearing of superman, spend $80.
"Audiophiles, even hardcore ones" tell me that above $80 its one in a million who will get the difference in case of in ear. In case of over the ear headphones, the peak happens around 120$. However, for me, the peak happens in the $50-60 range. Anything above that sounds the same to me no matter what the music, but then I do not have a very high end system, just a decent quality sound card, and listen to mp3 at 320kbps

Comment Sennheiser/Soundmagic (Score 1) 448

Whats the driver?
If its your PC/Laptop. over the ear "HEADPHONES" will do.
Sennhieser RS110 or similar(HD series) all have excellent quality. Truly amazing.

However, if its your tiny mp3 player, in ear is the only way to go
I use a Soundmagic PL-21 which cost 20$, and are excellent. With your budget, you can get sennhieser or Klipsch image S4 etc.,
Again, I have listened, and they sound better than the soundmagic.

That said, my budget was $25(for creative nano), and PL-21 came out to be the best

Comment EDA industry is very different (Score 3, Informative) 211

Yes, thats how it is in EDA industry.
The "requirement" bit is mostly done by the AE or Product engineer, who knows the product.
Sales guy job is to
1. Arrange for an EVAL, i.e, get a foothold in the customer
2. Post EVAL, negotiate a deal

Unfortunately, many other tech vendors do not follow this route.

Comment TrueCrypt cannot save you from the real danger (Score 1) 191

I was a cloud believer.
And then I saw this video.

And it opened my eyes. Seriously. The cloud computing risks are too great to comprehend. This guy knows what he is talking about. He is an Ex-IT commissionar in India and a very wise and intelligent man. His in depth knowledge about cloud computing should be dispensed to all of slashdot

Comment I disagree (Score 5, Informative) 257

When you have a high density condo, by pooling in their resources, members can actually get much better QoS

For example, 80 condos can make a deal with a leased line vendor and get a 1000mbps 1:1 connection.
Even if everybody is using their internet at the same time downloading torrents, you still have a 10mbps+ actually BW available to users.

Monthly cost of 1000mbps is in the ballpark of 500-1000$

Even if you take it as 1000$/month, we are talking about less than 20$ per condo, which is cheaper than the cheapest 10mbps unlimited ADSL plan from a DSL provider.

Comment Sad trend (Score 0) 121

Unfortunately, this is true worldwide
For example I pay 1399 INR for a 4mbps ADSL connection in India (25$ approx).
However, monthly quota is 30GB, after which you get throttled to 256kbps

Some countries have 200-300GB quotas as the norm, while people like us are at 30GB.

The 20$ plan from the same ISP gives you around 10GB/month quota.
I expect the problem to get worse in the future.

Comment Bogus concerns are mitigating the issue (Score 5, Insightful) 285

Somehow, the media is hooked onto the theory that GM modified crops will make us all Zombies.
That is not the problem. I really doubt that these modifications will create crops which will cause health problems.
The actual problem is licensing and economics.

A seed is a thing which cannot be contained. If you neighbor has a crop, seeds will come to you farm.
If its a resilient crop, it may dominate too.
And then they lawyers come with their army, and drag you to court. How many small farmers can afford to fight.
Yes, there will be farmers who will willfully cheat, but right now the licensing model, and the law does not recognize this difference.

To be frank, GM crops can actually help coping with food shortage, but the licensing model has made something which is a boon, a bane.

Submission + - Indian BMD shield ready (hindustantimes.com) 1

darkstar019 writes: The ballistic missile defense shield system (at par with Patriot 3 system) has reached its operational readiness and is ready to be deployed in two cities. One wonders how much time it would take to respond to an actual chinese/pakistani threat given the IRBMs are only minutes away from destroying major cities.
The two level BMD still appears a few years away.

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There's nothing worse for your business than extra Santa Clauses smoking in the men's room. -- W. Bossert
