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Comment Re:Look past the article's version of the cast ... (Score 1) 181

Well that's fair, if they signed an agreement stating they would not do short term rentals than they are obligated not to and you don't need the state of NY to regulate that for you..

But keep in mind that that something like airbnb isn't necessarily a problem with maintaining a good quality of life since the renters are rated and those with poor (or no) reputation can be refused. It's the same as when I used to use ebay and certain products were only sold to people with good ratings.

Comment Re:FP (Score 4, Insightful) 110

There are more recent examples such as Saudi Arabia accusing a condor of spying Or Egypt Blaming Isreal for shark attacks. The fact is that the Egyptian government wants to distract it's people from the latest military takeover of the government and finding something to blame on the "Zionists" is a time tested way to do that.

I used to have a Moroccan co worker who blamed Israel for everything bad in life down to his country's poor economy. It really is a weird how an otherwise intelligent person could miss the game of misdirection being played out repeatedly.

Comment Re:Oh, really? (Score 1) 1255

It's not so anecdotal when we went through them as a group. You need to keep in mind that Slashdot tends not to be filled with the "average student". Many of us were outcasts and disliked by both the other students and teachers. Personally, I intimidated my teachers and when the buggy as hell bargain basement 4 year old motherboards the school bought started losing their passwords, they assumed it was me doing it and I was banned from several computer labs for hacking for no other reason than the fact that I was assumed to be the only person who would know how to delete the passwords.

And then, of course, Colombine happened and the intelligent students who liked to game (the average Slashdot crowd) became a source of fear. Thankfully I was out of the system by then but some of my friends had some pretty off putting experiences and I got to read many more here.

Please don't assume that we hold our views for no reason.

Comment Re:Betteridge's law of headlines (Score 1) 159

Spain voted right because the country was broke and couldn't borrow more money without getting the money from Germany and Germany has at best, enough money to create a soft landing rather than a hard one.

Option A: Keep spending until the money runs out and then everything gets cut.
Option B: Make painful cuts but most of everything keeps running.

Unless you know of some third option?

Comment Re:We should pause and step back a moment... (Score 1) 63

I agree about filtering outbound traffic but keep in mind that these attacks work best with open recursive mail servers and there are few reasons to configure them that way. Need a resolver for your network? Then lock it so only your network can make requests on it. I just did a quick look up of the ISPs with open recursive name servers and found a company my employer does a lot of business with has 31 open recursive name servers. There is just no excuse for that.

My thought is that we need to cause pain for people who are lazy and we could easily start blacklisting name servers because having domains stop resolving would be more painful than fixing the problem.

Comment Re:We should pause and step back a moment... (Score 1) 63

There are multiple ways these attacks could have been prevented but laziness and incompetence rule yet again. ISPs could add egress filtering, or they could limit the amount of open recursive resolvers on their network.

In the end, I suspect the only way to fix this will be the same way we fixed open mail servers: start blacklisting badly behaving ISPs.

Comment Re:Back to BASIC (Score 1) 479

I can't take it. I was just going to mod you down for the bad c99 syntax but I'll correct it instead.

First, it's bool not BOOL (no caps). Second, returning into a function returning bool is just redundant since you could save yourself having to include stdbool.h and just return int instead.

corrected function:
inline BOOL isAnonymousTroll()
            return true ;

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